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Scarlett's POV
Thursday Feb 14
I woke up with my alarm ringing Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani. I went to turn it off, but Zane was making it difficult. Eventually after 7 minutes, I get him off and turn off my alarm. The time was 8:00, so we had an hour to get to school. Ath usually wakes us up by 7:30 which makes us early, but she gets suspended anyways. Therefore no point to waking so damn early. See I love my sister, but sometimes she doesnt make sense. Anyways...

"Zane, wake up." He turns over. I sigh and jump on him.

"Zane, wake up!"

"5 more minutes." Oh well, I tried. I get up to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and shower. My phone starts ringing Stir Fry by Migos, which is Ath's ringtone.
Sc: Hey sister.
A: Happy birthday Letty! And Happy Valentines Day
Sc: Its my birthday?
A: Are you serious? Check your calender."
I quickly check the calender and she was right.
Sc: Wow, I seriously did not think about-Wait, Im 15! Its my quinceanera bitches!
A: Obviously, but I had to call you because Im not going to be there.
Sc: What do you mean you're not going to be there?
A: Im so sorry Letty, but James wont let us go. Im still going to try but at this rate, I dont know.
Sc: I spent 8 birthdays without you and now I have to spend my quinceanera without you too? Daddy's not going to be ther either
A: Im really sorry Scarlett. With the bullshit going on-
Sc: Save it Linda. Talk to me when James is dead.
End of Convo

I hang up. You're probably wondering who Linda is. Thats the 2nd part of Rosalinda in her middle name. I say it when Im really pissed or when I feel like it. I dont like showing my emotions at all, but right now all I want to do is cry. So I do, thinking about how all my family members wont be here. Soon I was pulled into warmth by Zane and I didnt care. I just cried on his chest since he's a giant compared to me. Eventually my crying stopped, but he kept running his hands through my hair.

"Now whats wrong my sexy lady?" I chuckled at the nickname he gave me.

"Nothing, Im okay Carebear."

"No you're not and happy birthday."

"Yea, Im fine. I dont want to talk about it. And thank you."

"So you dont want to talk about the thing making you upset."


"So you just admit you're upset." Damn hes good.

"Fine, my dad and Linda arent going to be here for my quinceanera. Linda has to deal with James and my dad has another meeting. But Im good, everything is ok. Atleast I still have you, Cam, and Nic." He hissed.

"Yea about that...what had happened was is me and Nic are playing soccer with the boys."

"So you're not spending time with me either. Not even at school?"

"Got suspended remember?" Oh yea...It was funny actually because we were harassing Mr. Romano. We're his favorite, but he bribed us to leave him alone if were suspended for the rest of the week. We said yes especially since it doesnt go on our record.

"Fine, Ill just go to the mall with Cameron then."

"Im sorry, but one question. Who is Linda?"

"Oh thats Athena. Her middle name is Rosalinda, so I shortened it to Linda. I call her that either when Im really pissed or when I feel like it. She understands the difference." He nodded, while I started getting ready. I put on a grey t-shirt that says SEX DRUGS & ROCK N ROLL on it with jean shorts that end mid thigh and white Jordans. I put my hair in a half up half down, but the half up was 2 buns. And I kept it curly. I call Cameron and after 2 rings, she picks up.
Ca: Hey birthday girl, whats up?
Sc: You want to be my Valentine today and go to the mall?
Ca: Of course. I thought you'd never ask. You picking me up?
Sc: Yea, I'll take the Jeep Wrangler
Ca: Are you sure you can drive?
Sc: Yes, I'll make us fake IDs and get the black card from Linda.
Ca: Ok, I will be ready in 10. Bye, love you in case I die
Sc: Alright, bye and love you in case I die.
End of Convo.

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