C19: DAY 2

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Athena's POV
I woke up and didnt feel anyone holding me. I get my phone from the nightstand and saw 5 voicemails from Dad, 10 texts from Letty, 20 voicemails from Kim, and 5 texts from Xavier. I check the voicemails from my Dad first. It was basically all bullshit. No disrespect to my Dad, but seriously it could've waited.

He was talking about fights and shit. I check the voicemails from Kim which was bullshit too because it was about them going out to eat and I need to wake up. I check the texts from Letty which was the same of what Dad said and I need to call him back. I lastly check Xavier's texts which was to rest and wait for him to get me chocolate. I then decide to call my Dad back.
D: Hey Black
A: Why are you sending me bullshit?
D: Woah, I thought you'd be excited to mentor and fight.
A: Im sorry Dad. Im on my period and sort of acting like a bitch.
D: Its ok honey. But you need to mentor this really low mafia. They dont know who Black is and they think girls cant fight.
A: Why dont they just join The Pythons. James is like that too. Did you know, he wanted me to be the mother of his heir. Then said I was going to be the kitchen like where all women should be.
D: And he wonders why he doesnt have a girl.
A: True. Oh yea apparently we're going to war soon and he's going to be handsomest man with the prettiest girl to have an heir with. 'Sadly that isnt me' which is what he said.
D: Damn...Wait he's in Florida?
A: Yea he found us. Me and Xavier were on a date at Olive Garden and he had to make a scene. I also caught a bullet.
D: Thats my girl. I taught you well.
A: Technically, the members taught me.
D: But I taught them, so its me teaching you through them.
A: *chuckle* Ok Dad talk to you later
D: Talk to you later kiddo.
End Convo
I hang up the call and take a shower. After that, I brushed my teeth. Going into the drawers, I get my clothes and get ready. I wanted a 'presentable, but dont fuck with me' look. Now I know I  may seem like a bitch, but believe me Kim is way worse. We always tease eachother when we get on it to see who will break before the end of the week which is why she sent me bullshit.

By breaking, I mean calling her more than three names like bitch, asshole, etc. I can call her only one of those names. I already know Im calling her a bitch so Ill win like always. She always breaks. I think I send her way too much shit. Lastly no one can know about the game. If you tell anyone or break, you lose your most precious item for a whole month. My precious item is my laptop indefinitely.

Anyways, once done with getting ready I put on my glasses and make a bowl of grapes. I start scrolling through netflix on the TV and decide on On My Block. I love this show, its the best show ever. I rewatched the whole series still crying at the end.

Then I decide to watch A Series of Unfortunate Events. When it was the 5th episode of the 2nd season, they came through the door yelling. I pause the show and get in front of them. The boys were yelling at eachother, while the girls were yelling at eachother including Maddie.

"HEY!" They get quiet.

"What are you arguing about that mi princesa had to get involved and you brought all the way to the hotel because nothing is that serious."

"A jock came to the diner talking shit about you. Saying that he heard moans coming from the room and that you were fucking another guy." Kim said.

"Then Chris and Alex said they always knew you were a slut. Maddie said that you werent, then me and Kim got involved, so yea." Xavier said. I looked at Chris and Alex who had a guilty look on their faces. I walked up to them.

"You're dead to me." I back up. I get a water bottle from the refrigerator and my sketchbook.

"Im going out. Dont follow me and dont kill eachother." I walk to the door and I hear a faint Ath from Xavier, but I close the door. I start walking, while I hear a door open and close. I dont look behind me, but a hand grabs mine and turns me around. I look up to see Xavier.

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