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Hello my little Earthlings. It is I, from the outside world. Anyways, I realized I started Athena out as a mute and when she moved to LA, she technically wasnt mute anymore. So I wanted to know if you wanted me to change her meeting Xavier and them before school. They will technically meet at school. Just comment 'yes, its confusing' or 'no, I understand' and I will do whichever is commented more in atleast 2 days. But in the meantime, I will update.

And 1 more announcement. I said in the last chapter that I am working on a sequel, but that wont come out until Im done with this one. You dont have to read this one first, but you can read this one to understand how their family works. Also so you know who Madison and Elias are and their relationship. It is mysterious and dramatic. Kind of like Riverdale, but without the 'who killed who' situation. When you read this, your wig will get snatched off. *James Charles voice* But anyways, thats all from me my little Earthlings.

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