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Friday December 23
We are at my house, in my room and they are staring at me. Kim already knows everything and Im glad I dont have to be the only one telling the story. I guess its now or never.

"So in the 8th grade, we hated gossip and rumors. But everyone was talking about the new boy that transferred from England. I was an open book at the time. Everyone knew everything about me because I had no secrets. We were still bad asses, but I was more welcoming. Kim was more reserved and on edge when it came to new people. We also werent street fighting or anything either.

Anyways, one day Xander comes to our table at lunch. He was cute I guess. We made conversation and he told us everything and we trusted him and told him almost everything. In the school for the whole 8th grade, we were inseparable. We went everywhere together. Kim had to leave when she accepted to go to college.

"In 9th grade, he asked me out. I said yes because I liked him at the time. We were going good and Kim was happy for us. Then on Valentines Day, my dad was going to a meeting and said I could invite him over. I did and he came with balloons and chocolates. We started watching movies for a few hours in my room. Then he kissed me. It was fine, until he tried to go further. I told him I wasnt ready and he didnt care and kept going. I kneed him and he stopped, so I ran and tried to get my phone to call Dad.

Before I could, he came and threw my phone breaking it. He then punched me in my jaw. I froze and didnt know what to do. He then proceeded to say that it was on accident, but took me upstairs and raped me. I was just frozen and was crying and I just felt weak. Then after what felt eternity, he stopped and said that if I told anyone, he would kill me. I didnt because I was so scared and just couldnt believe that he would do that.

That went on for the rest of 9th grade. He raped me once, but would keep hitting me when I talked to another guy or shit like that. He also had 4 friends. He told them that we did it and they told everyone else so all the guys thought I was 'easy'. When I confronted him about it, he stabbed me and carved his name in my back" I paused to show them and heard gasps.

"Anyways, I had enough of his shit. During the summer, I trained with the best fighters in the mafia and could fight atleast 5 guys at once. He didnt know since he went to South Carolina. In 10th grade he was out on the field with his friends. They didnt know about the abuse and rape. They thought that we were a happy couple and shit. I asked if I could talk to him alone. He said yes and we went to a closet that was next to a stairwell. I basically told him that I had enough of his bullshit. He went to punch me. I dodged and broke his jaw, his nose, and his right leg and knocked him out.

I then proceeded to drag him to the stairwell and went to the bathroom. I made it look like I was crying and ran to the boys about him 'falling down the stairs'. They took him to the hospital blah blah blah...

When he was discharged, he called me to go over his house. I went armed of course. I get over there and he got a crutch and bandages and said he wanted a rematch. I said okay and let him take the first swing. He hit me in the stomach, but I broke his other leg and broke his arm. I told him that if he kept up his act, I was going to tell my father. Dumbass never knew Dad was a mafia leader. When I told him, I guess he took that as an oppurtunity to stop. I told Dad anyway and when we went to find him, he was gone.

I was relieved that he was, but when 11th grade rolled around I got disgusted looks from everyone. Including the teachers and nerds. I just shake it off and go to lunch. Xander's friends come to my table and start talking about how Im a whore and a slut. I didnt know what they were talking about so I asked. Apparently Xander told them that he was leaving because I cheated on him with 2 guys at the same time. I basically told them it wasnt true but didnt tell them everything. They didnt believe me and kept calling a whore. I didnt really care because all the sluts called me that ever since the 10th grade so whatever" They were all looking at me with pained expressions. Not Xavier, he looks really angry.

"Can me and Xavier talk alone please?" I ask and they leave. He was sitting on the chair, so I go to sit on his lap. I traced my finger on his clenched jaw line.

"Its not fair. You shouldnt have to go through that."

"It is what it is. Im over it now" I lied.

"I can tell you're not. The other night at the sleepover, you had a nightmare. Or the fact that you remember the whole story. Or when I looked in your eyes, and all I see is a broken girl trying to find peace. Im your peace, you have me. You dont have to lie thinking I'll judge you because I wont. I'll listen and help you through whatever you're having problems with. Im your safe haven." When he was done, I started crying on his chest. He hugged me tight, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"I just wished he would leave my mind. He just stays there haunting me." I cried. Then everything went black.

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