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i cant believe so many people are still reading this story and i would like to say thank you for 73k reads and 1.52k votes. i really didn't think amyone would like it considering how unrealistic it actually is. however, if you like this story then you should for sure read Chances. mostly bc its mysterious and confusing so you really have to think. i dont believe i will finish Secrets or TLHC since i dont even know the plot anymore. i'll keep it up on my profile, but it wont be complete. Chances will be finished and will have at least 25 chapters or more.

Milan has 3 guys after her already in her senior year

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Milan has 3 guys after her already in her senior year. Her ex-boyfriend who left her in her darkest times. The new kid who has many secrets he doesn't even know abt himself. And her new calculus teacher who is too hot for his own good. Can 1 of these boys...or man get the girl who thinks she has everything under control? Or does Milan just ride off into sunset with her best friend?

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