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Esme's outfit and hair^^
Athena's POV
I wake up with Esme clinging on to me for dear life. I shake her off and she turns over. Then I get up, realizing we had to come to my house. I check my phone that has no messages and go to the bathroom. I take my shower and freshen up. Lastly choosing my outfit. I decide on wearing a Calvin Klein bra under a green hoodie with rips on it, gray leggings, and white Nike's. I then straightened my hair and put it in a neat ponytail.

I woke up Esme and the boys so we could leave. They took forever to get ready. I gave the boys Chris' clothes and they all went so fucking slow. We finally left in my Audi R8 and stopped at McDonald's. We ordered our food amd ate quietly. When we were almost done, James calls me. I answered with a bored tone.
A: Hello
Ja: Goodmorning to you too
A: What do you want?
Ja: Why arent you and Esme here yet?
A: Because we're not. Now answer my question.
Ja: Im having a party.
A: What does that have to do with me?
Ja: You and Esme are working in the kitchen since you couldnt follow simple directions.
A: Fine, what do want us to do, cook or serve?
Ja: You both will serve.
A: Alright, whatever.
Ja: Dont give me attitude or Esme will go in the whore house.
A: If you even think about touching her, you're dead.
Ja: I see you care about her. Makes everything so much more fun.
A: You're an asshole.
Ja: Obviously. Now be here 15 minutes or Esme goes in the whore house.
End of Convo.

"Cagna idiota. È così fottutamente irritante. Oh mio Dio, voglio solo ucciderlo, già. Questa settimana sta prendendo così tanto tempo." I said in italian and they stared at me. I forgot they were here. (Dumbass bitch. He is so fucking irritating. Oh my God, I just want to kill him already. This week is taking so long.)

"Are you ok?" Esme asked and I nodded giving a fake smile.

"Yea, we just have to go. Do you guys want a ride?" They shook their heads and we left.

"What did James say?"

"Hes throwing a party and we have to serve the food." She rolled her eyes. I dont want worry her about the whore house threat. We get to the house in 10 minutes to see James on the porch waiting impatiently.

"Hello James. Isnt it a lovely morning?" I asked innocently.

"Shut up and get ready. The guests are arriving in 4 hours."

"Yes sir." I saluted him and we went upstairs to change. On the bed were 2 black dresses. Mine was a sleeveless dress with a gold waistband and lace detailing. Esme had a long sleeve dress with mesh fabric. I put on my leather jacket and black ankle strap heels, with my jewelry. We went downstairs and heard James yelling on the phone.

"Why did he cancel!?...Are you serious!?...Who cares about his family!?...Well he shouldnt, there all assholes!...Fine, I'll get a replacement. Whatever." He hung up.

"Whats wrong?" Esme asked.

"One of the security guards cancel and I dont have a replacement."

"I'll be your replacement. Esme can still work the kitchen and I can keep an eye on her." He shook his head.

"Yea and you're still a girl. It would make me look like I actually respect them." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok but if your house gets robbed, dont pin it on me." Me and Esme started walking in the kitchen.

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