C8: LETTY'S RETURN bday pt1

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"This is all your fault."
"You're worthless"
"No one will love you the way I do because you're ugly and stupid"
"I never wanted to hurt you"
"You made me do this"
"You dress like a slut"
"ATHENA WAKE UP!" I jerk my eyes open and see the girls looking at me worried.

"Whats wrong girls?" I asked sitting up.

"You were having another nighmare" Alex said and I sighed.

"Why won't they go away. They always seem to come back everytime I forget. I just want this to be over!!" I yelled picking up my lighter, playing with the fire. Then Kim and Alex lay down next to me.

"How about this, we confess our darkest secret that many people don't know about" Alex said and we nodded. Kim went first

"I'm lesbian" Alex's eyes widened.

"Yayy, I always wanted a lesbian/gay friend." She screamed and we laughed. My turn.

"I was raped by a sadistic psychopath" Lastly Alex's turn.

"My parents abandoned me when my sister died." I sit up.

"What did we do to deserve these things?" I asked and they shrugged.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I strip and get in the shower. After 10 minutes, I get out and dry myself. I go to my closet and get dressed. I put on my black Nikes and leave the closet. When I'm out, I see a huge bouquet of red roses which are my favorite flower were in my room. Along with yellow and black balloons. I look up and see my dad at the doorway.

"Happy birthday honey" I ran into his arms

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"Happy birthday honey" I ran into his arms.

"Thank you Daddy!!"

"I have 2 surprises...The first surprise is I dont have a meeting today"

"Yayyyy" He chuckled.

"The second surprise is her." He steps to the side and a girl with long soft dark brown hair steps up. She has blue eyes, tan skin and stands at 5'5. She's wearing a white shirt that says 'YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US' with shorts, a floral kimono and white Jordans.

"Letty?" I felt my eyes getting watery.

"Happy Birthday Ath" I opened my arms and she ran into them. I picked her up and spun her around laughing.

"I missed you so much Letty"

"I missed you too. Do you remember our handshake?"

"Of course"

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