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Athena's POV
My alarm was going off at 7:30. Once I came aware of my senses, I felt Xavier kissing my neck. I also heard clicking. Can you guess what it is? Another fucking picture by my so called friends.

"Oh my god. Fucking leave before I throw you out!" They laughed and left. Seconds later, they sent me the picture. I got my phone to see it and once again a good picture. I posted this one and all the other ones on Instagram. Minutes later, my phone was ringing so much because of all the likes and comments.

 Minutes later, my phone was ringing so much because of all the likes and comments

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After that, I put my phone on silent and laid with Xavier.

"We are from now on, locking the door." He chuckled kissing my forehead. We then just laid there talking for 5 minutes, then decided to get up. Xavier wanted to find matching outfits for us, while I took a shower. When I was finished, Xavier had finished as well. I put on my clothes, dried my hair and left it naturally curly, then did my makeup. Which consisted of eyebrows and nude pink lipstick. For jewelry, I put on my half necklace, bracelet, and ring.

Xavier had gotten ready after his shower. He just left his hair perfectly messy. For jewelry, he wore his bracelet, and his necklace that has my name on it. We got our sports bags and I got my algebra curriculum binder for teaching. We go downstairs to see everyone eating. Then little arms wrap around my legs. I look down to see Madison.

"Hey pretty girl. Are you ok?" I ask picking her up. She nods smiling.

"Hewo Ath. Im fine." She is so cute. I carry her to her high-chair and put her in. I give her some yogurt with cut up apples. When Im done, I make myself some toast with butter and jelly. Also I pour some apple juice in my glass, sit down, and see everyone staring at my every move.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" Camila is the first one to speak.

"How did you know she was hungry? When I asked her, she just said she was fine." I laughed.

"I do have a little sister. She said the same thing. But when I gave her food anyway, she had the option of eating it or not eating it. 9 times out of 10, she ate it." I smiled and they looked like it was the most simplest thing ever.

Once we were all finished, the maid cleaned our plates. Xavier, me, Letty, and Zane took the Jeep Wrangler with Xavier driving. Cami, Kim, Cam, and Nic took the black Jeep Hummer. Lastly Alex and Chris took the black Jeep Cherokee. Squad goals. We start driving with the windows down and blasting music. The song playing now was Finesse. We all start singing to the song with Xavier sounding like a dying cat. When the part that says 'fellas grab your ladies if your lady fine.' Xavier grabbed my hand. It was sooo sweet.

We finally get to the school at 8:30. Us being so dramatic, we put our sunglasses on and get out the car. The girls and I flip our hair back. The guys put their arms around our waist. Which makes the boys wolf-whistling stop and the girls start glaring. We've been together for 2 weeks and they're not over it. I look around and see this guy looking so suspicious in the corner.

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