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If you are easily offended of racism, do not watch the video above.
3 Days Later
Athena's POV
It is Saturday and I am up at 6:30 to pack. What kind of shit is that? Anyways, Jasmine decided to leave today since its going to be atleast 10 hours to get there. I packed pajamas, underwear, bras, shorts, skirts, crop tops, t-shirts, a bikini and jackets. The rest packed basically the same.

Each couple is taking their own private jet. Including Kim, she found her own girl. And dont worry I did probably 10 background checks. Her name is Harley Quinn and she's really pretty.

I go downstairs with all my stuff which isnt a lot. Just a suitcase and a Michael Kors bag with my phone, laptop, sunglasses, etc. Everyone was ready, so we go out to put the stuff in the Escalade. The driver is driving that, while we drive our own cars. Im driving my new Corvette with Xavier. I guess you're wondering how I got it. Well ROLL THE FLASHBACK📹
Me and the girls were walking to lunch. The guys were talking to their friends Liam, Dwayne, and Michael. Xavier and Chris were about to walk with us, when the boys stopped them.

"Wait where are you guys going?" Liam asked. He's the nice one.

"We're going with the girls." Xavier replied. So we stop to wait for them.

"Ok see y'all later" Dwayne says. He's the chill one. We go to leave, then...

"Nah hold up. You leaving your boys for them?" Michael asks. He's the arrogant asshole.

"What's your problem?" Chris asks.

"Yea Mike, what is your problem? Is it because you want a girl or is it because you haven't been laid recently?" Dwayne says while me and the girls laugh. Mike glares at us, but I just glared back.

"Neither because I actually respect the quote 'Bros before Hoes'" Im really offended.

"I am most definitely not a hoe. I dont know where the fuck you got your information from, but they are certainly wrong." Im actually pissed. I usually never get pissed at these comments.

"See thats what Im talking about. A hoe always says they're not a hoe. Look at what she's wearing, thats hoe material." I wasnt even wearing anything slutty except for a skirt that wasnt that short.

"Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Just because you never had any girl other than a slut, does not mean all girls are the same. And my babygirl is sexy as fuck compared to the other girls you been with." Mike rolled his eyes.

"I got an idea. A girl on girl fight. Athena or Alex Vs Michael."

"Ok Im down...Wait you called me a girl dickhead." We all laugh. Alex said that she didnt want to fight, so I guess I have to.

"So Mike, I guess Im fighting you. But I am obligated to tell you that my full name is Athena Rosalinda Black Pierce." He just smirked at me.

"Oh this will be fun then. Whats the deal?"

"The deal is if you win you can tell everyone that Im a desperate gold digger and trying to fuck Xavier is my only life goal. But if I win I get your corvette."
So I basically won. Mike got a broken arm, a broken nose, a black eye, fractured ankle, and a mild concussion.

"Mama, where are you going?" Maddie's angelic voice says. I turn around to see her rubbing her eyes. I pick her up and kissed her cheek.

"Hi mi princesa. We are going on a senior trip to Disney World."

"I want to come. Can I come pleaseee?" I dont want to say no. I look at Xavier and he nods his head.

"Sure princesa. Ill help you pack." She smiles widely and I put her down. She runs inside Im assuming to her room. Xavier hugs me from behind.

"Its better that she's coming. We can keep an eye on her and she wont make a fit about us leaving." I nod.

"True. I love you." I smile at him.

"I love you too." He kisses me. I go upstairs to Maddie's room which is right across from me and Xavier's. She was dancing around to my playlist. Oh shit. I hurriedly get my phone from the speaker because my playlist is like parental advisory shit. The song playing was Im Not Racist by Joyner Lucas. Which has a lot of curse words that Maddie cannot listen to.

"Hey! I was listening to that mama." I bend down to her height level.

"It has way too many words you cant hear princesa." She nodded and went back to packing. I went in her closet to get more outfits to bring. I put my playlist back on, but I changed all the songs to clean. Im Not Racist came back on and I started rapping both parts. We finished packing and she got dressed in black leggings, a blue shirt that says 'NAP QUEEN' on it in black letters, and black Nike's.

"Mama Im ready." I looked at her messy hair.

"Do you want your hair up or down?"

"Up please." I got a hair tie and put her curly hair in a ponytail. We went downstairs with her suitcase and put it in the Escalade. The others are at the airport waiting for us, so we get in the Corvette and drive to the airport with the Escalade following.

In 5 minutes, we get there and unpack our stuff in the black jet. Kim and Quinn are riding the red one, while Alex and Chris are riding the blue one.

Once all our luggage is in there, we get on and wait to take off. It is now 7:30, so we may get there at about 5:30.

10 hours and 30 minutes later
It is now 6 and we have just landed. We have cars here already, so we all get in my black Dodge Journey to drive to the Disney World hotel. 20 minutes later, we get there to see all the seniors getting their luggage for the room they paid for in advance. I pick up Liza and get her luggage since Xavier said he was going to get his and mine. I go up to the registration counter to get our room.

"Hello how may help you?" The nice lady says.

"Hi I reserved the presidential suite with 4 rooms under the name Athena Pierce." She nodded and typed something in the computer.

"Did you pay online already?" She asks.

"No I just reserved it. Heres my card." I give it to her and she types the information.

"Ok, here's your card and how many room keys do you need?" I get my card and think for a second.

"2 please." She hands me them and we go up the elevator to the top floor. There are many presidential suites, but I made sure we got the biggest room. I put down Madison and put the keycard in. We went in and Maddie ran to her room which was made for kids. Almost all rooms have them.

"Princesa, unpack your suitcase" Xavier yelled from the room. We were already done with packing and we wanted dinner with just the three of us.

"Do you think we'll be able to handle Maddie at our age?" I asked laying on the bed. Xavier lays with me, massaging my sides like always.

"Of course babygirl. She's a big girl anyways, so she can take care of herself for the most part."

"But what if she cant?"

"Then we'll be there for her. We always will." I kiss him and it might have turned into a makeout session.

"Ew. Sorries, but Im hungryyy." I hear Maddie say. We pull apart and smile at her. We ended up going to McDonald's. We went back to the group with room service of ice cream sundaes, so we get ours and watch a movie. Then we all went to bed at around 9:30.

A/N: THANK YOU FOR 2.24K READS! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUUUUCH❤❤ I know these are slow updates, but I will try to update more since I will be on spring break next week. So BYEEEE!
~Love, Marisa

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