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Saturday December 24
I woke up to clicks, flashes, and giggles. And whispering along the lines of 'they're so cute.' I turn around groaning, playing with Xavier's hair.

"Leave now or you're dead" I heard Xavier's sleepy voice say. That was the hottest thing ever. I heard shuffling then a door close, so I open my eyes to see Xavier looking at me.

"You have really soft hair" He chuckled, kissing my forehead.

"Are you ok" I was confused, but remembered last night and realized I cried myself to sleep. I nodded 'yes' and snuggled closer to him.

"Our date starts at 8:00 by the way" He said.

"Oooh. What are we doing"

"Its a surprise, but dress a little formal" I pouted and he kissed my lips chuckling. He went to pull away, but I put my arm around his neck to deepen the kiss. After our makeout session, Xavier told me that he was going to spend the day with Chris and my dad. We got ready and went downstairs.

I went to my dad's office to see him on yelling on the phone in italian, while Chris was sitting there looking pissed. When Daddy saw me, his face soften and he hung up the phone. He came to hug me and I instantly hugged back.

"Papà, cosa c'è che non va?" I asked in italian.

"Mi dispiace tesoro, ma Xander è a Los Angeles. Quindi ho bisogno che tu stia attenta nel centro commerciale." After he said that, I just felt pure anger. I hadn't noticed I was punching the wall, until I felt warm hands massaging my sides. I turned around and cried into Xavier's chest. Then I heard the door open. Then I saw Kim and Alex running to me tackling me to the floor. I started laughing, but was still pissed.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked.

"Xander está en Los Ángeles y ahora es un líder de pandillas." I said trying not to cry. Then they hugged me again. (Xander is in Los Angeles and is now a gang leader.)

"Come on, let's go to the mall to get your mind off of it." Kim said and we nodded. I waved at the boys bye and we left in the Escalade, but I realized my baby wasn't in the garage. So I ran in my dad's office real quick.

"DOV'È LA MIA MACCHINA!?" I yelled dramatically. My dad smirked, but quickly recovered it.

"Your car is somewhere so just use the Escalade" I scoff and walk to the driver's side. We start driving while blasting Drowning by A Boogie With Da Hoodie. This is my shit, I play this everyday. We finally get to the mall and go to Foot Locker. We got Huaraches, Jordans, Nikes, Timberlands and Adidas. We went to Forever 21 and got the perfect dress for my date and heels to go with it. I also had a jean jacket and handbag that would match.

So we start window shopping for some good stores to go into and I find a henna tattoo kit.

"Omg, Kim remember when I would pay kids $10 for a henna tattoo?" I asked laughing and she nodded laughing. Alex just looked confused

"So from 6th to 8th grade, I would secretly have kids pay me $10 for a henna tattoo. By the 2nd semester of 8th grade, I got caught." She started laughing too. So I went to buy it and the guy rings it up and smirks at me.

"Hey babe, its free if you give me your number" I rolled my eyes.

"How much is it?" He just ignores me and hands me a paper and pen.

"Hey baby, what's taking you so long" Kim says putting her arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. We only do this when we're being sexually harassed or when they dont believe Kim's lesbian. The dude's face turned a bright red. I was trying so hard not to laugh.

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