perfect life perfect wife (requested)

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Kara's POV

My wife Y/n was kidnapped by Capmus. She is known as Power girl. Y/n was my babysitter on our home planet. But her pod got nocked of corse. She is the best thing in my life. I will not let someone take her from me ever.

I love her so much I can not let her go like Mon-el. He is back now. I married another tho. I love so much. To took some DEO members with me and some villons. We need to get Y/n. I love the way she makes me smile so bright. I love her.

Your POV

I was in a cage of Kryptonite. It hurts so much. Capmus leader was keeping me here. If I don't get out soon I may die. Kara come quick. "Supergirl." I said softly. I started to black out. I need you now more then ever. Please wify.

Kara's POV

We got to Capmus. We took down Capmus leader (I don't remember her name but I call her old bitch.) I found y/n. "Guys in here!" I yelled. Alex ran in. She got Y/n out of the Kryptonite jail cell. I took her to the DEO.

Once she was in the medical bay I was relaxed. My perfect wife is fine. They let me in. I stayed with her. I held her hand. I smiled at her. She is under the sun light. It was dark inside with out her. I am happy.

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