Chapter 1

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Credits to Trashbxar on Instagram
<Zach's pov>
After Fin admitted that he loved Raven Taylen became a little depressed. Especially now that they were dating. She tried not to show it but having a crush on her makes you notice things like that. Will told me though that I should leave her alone. How can I though if I know she's crying I wanna help but don't know how...
All of a sudden she just bursted into my room.
"Zach!" She was crying and immediately hugged me.
"Taylen? What's wrong?" I replied while hugging back.
"I can't take it anymore! I'm happy that Raven is happy but I'm not happy and it hurts every time I see them together..." She keeps crying and something in me just breaks.
"Taylen I love you!" I covered my mouth in hopes of her forgetting about what I just said.
"No you don't... Your just saying that because you know Fin will never love me! Ok I get it Zach!" She tries to leave the room but I grabbed her hand before she could.
"Taylen I'm telling the truth. I really do love you please don't go." I wanted to prove to her that I really loved her so I did the unthinkable and kissed her right on the lips.

Leave it on a cliff hanger cause why not. I hope you liked it I know it's a little short but I don't know if anybody will actually read it so until then I won't write that much.

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