Chapter 2

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The quiet town of West River Valley was Jane's home. She grew up there and went to WRV University where she studied for nine years. Finally pulling up in front of her two bedroom apartment, she got out of her car and locked it, leaving it in the driveway. She unlocked the front door and stepped inside. The first thing she did was check her answering machine for any messages, and she had three. The first was from a college friend asking to have lunch. The second was from her mom reminding her about her parents anniversary dinner in a few days time. The third was from her fiancé, Kyle, apologising that he had not called her that morning

She threw her bag on the sofa and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. The sun had fully set now and the only light in the street were the street lamps and some people's houses. Jane was standing by the window looking out at the backyard when suddenly something moved outside. Frozen with fear, it took her seconds to realize she should put the backyard light on, and so she did. The moment the light went on, a dark figure sank into the bushes. She quickly took her cellphone and dialed her fiancé's number. Three rings and he picked up. She quickly got into the story about what she had seen. Concerned, Kyle asked her if he should come over and check for her but she declined saying she had probably imagined it. After reassuring him she was fine, they hung up. She didn't want him worrying himself over what she hoped was nothing. She went upstairs, got in a warm shower then snuggled up in bed with some tea and a book.

Time passed and the next thing she knew, it was 23:37. She put down her book and washed the dishes. Then she brushed her teeth and got into bed. As soon as her mind started to relax, it drifted back to Randy. He seemed in his right state of mind at that time. He even called her by her title. She did not know what to think of it so she drifted into an uneasy sleep full of dreams...

She was being locked in a room and Randy choked himself to death. Then before her stood a man. His face was a blur but his voice was cold and low. He was one of her patients. She was talking to him then he suddenly pulled a gun out and shot at her head. She lie on the floor bleeding while the man laughed. Then Randy was next to her, shaking his head sadly. "I told you not to talk to him. He will kill you." He said and patted her pounding head...

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