Chapter 5

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Jane did not know she had overslept. It was 08:30 and work started at nine. Although she would usually rush at times like those, she didn't have the energy. So she crawled out of bed and took a shower. The previous night was very strange. She remembered someone laughing. It must have been a dream, right?

By 09:47 she was driving to work wearing a jeans, a blouse and boots. She didn't feel like dressing to impress. She was walking in the hallway when Paul called her into his office. She sat down opposite him and he asked her how she was feeling. She arched her eyebrow and said, "Just a little shocked..." She tried to look casual because "a little" was an understatement. "How's Randy?" She asked, hoping his response would be good. "He's stabilised but still very weak. He suffered from some brain damage and a few fractured bones but hopefully in a few months time he will fully recover." He said Paul then leaned in closer and concernedly told her she did not have to see Markus id she was bot up for it. She smiled at him to show her appreciation. "It's my job but thanks for looking out for me Paul. You've really been like my mentor these past few months." She said. He chuckled and told her it was no problem They laughed. Then she had an idea. "Paul, can I see the security footage of yesterday?" He looked at her suspiciously, then said yes.

Not long after she was sitting in the security room looking through footage. She went back to the time she was at Randy's door. There were camera's in every room. Just before he stared running into walls, he was cowering in the corner of the room with his hands over his face. She turned up the volume and what she heard really frightened her. Randy Civil was pleading for mercy, from someone who wasn't there. Then she heard her name. "What do you want with Dr. Clarke? No... No, you won't hurt her." He stood up and shouted "She's a good doctor and a good person. Don't you dare. NO!" And then he started running into walls. She quickly switched to another camera. She switched through camera's to see if any other patients were acting strangely. And sure enough Mr. Markus Clang was holding his hand up as if he was controlling something in midair. Then he sat back down on his bed, laughing. Deciding she had seen enough, she changed the camera's back to the present times. On camera number 43, was Markus Clang's room and to her horror, he was smiling up at the camera.

Too soon was she walking down the basement stairs to see Markus Clang. Once again she was standing behind the window, watching him. She didn't want to go in, but she had to. She turned to the hospital guard, who she previously told to get her permission before he did anything drastic to her patients, and said, "Remember when I told you to ask my permission before you do anything?" He nodded and opened his mouth to reassure her but she interrupted him and said, "Well, with this guy you shoot first, ask questions later, okay?" He nodded again, his face serious and his eyes alert. She took a deep breath and walked into the room. She put on a brave face and introduced herself once again. Just as she wanted to continue speaking, he spoke in his cold, low voice. "Randy likes you." He said. This freaked her out but she kept on her brave face. "Did he? Well, I hardly think my relationship with Randy Civil should be our point of discussion today, should it?" She asked coldly. He disgustingly smiled. "I heard him screaming. He sounded like such a baby." He laughed a devilish laugh that sent chills down her spine. "I do not discuss my patients with other people, Mr Clang. Now..." He interrupted her again. "You were looking at the security footage today, didn't you? Did you see anything interesting?" He asked, only looking mildly interested. She put down her pen and looked at him straight in the eye, which she had avoided until now. She noticed he had the most magnificent brown eyes, very close to red. Or was it red? "I don't know who you are, but Randy warned me about you." She said, horrified by the grin that spread across his face at her words. He raised one eyebrow and said, "You shouldn't listen to everything he says, you know. He is crazy after all." She scoffed and replied, "Then you must be deranged. I believe everything he said and," she said very quietly, "I know you had something to do with what happened to him. And I'm going to prove it." And she leaned back in her chair staring at him. His grin only widened. "I am not deranged. I am merely doing what my master tells me to." He said, innocently and just laughed when she asked who his master was. "Oh you will meet him soon. He is closer than you'd think..." Then he was interrupted by a loud bang that shook the entire building. It sounded as though it were coming from below. Markus was staring fixedly at the floor. Then he started mumbling words so fast in a language she'd never heard before. Then he looked up at her, his red eyes glinting, his mouth a wide grin. "You will see him sooner than even I expected. Good luck, Dr. Clarke. You're going to need it." He said so maniacally tye hair on the back of her neck stood up. Then he started to raise off his chair, his feet leaving the ground. He was levitating in front of her. Then he looked down and laughed as fire erupted all around him in midair. He looked at her one last time, then the flames covered him and a lifeless body dropped back down onto the floor. Stunned, she sat there staring at the body. Then she heard the door burst open and the guards rushed in asking her if she was okay. The guard had to shake her to get her attention. She was not sure where she was. The next thing she knew, everything went blurry and her body hit the floor with a thud. The world went black around her and everything was quiet...

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