Chapter 6

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"She fainted. There are no bruises or injuries on her body. I expect she'll be fine." Someone said but the voice was distant, as if it were coming from the other end of a tunnel. "I hope so. I called Kyle, her fiancé, he's on his way. I don't think it's a good idea for her to drive right now." A man said. Jane opened her eyes but shut them again for the bright light, which worsened her already pounding headache. She tried to sit up but Nicole pushed her down again. "No, you need to lie down." Nicole was monitoring her and Paul was standing concerned at the end of her bed. She tried to move her legs and arms but found she had no energy. "My head is killing me." She said, putting her hands to her head. "You hit the floor pretty hard. You might have knocked your head and have a concussion." Nicole said, shining a light in her eyes. "I don't have a concussion." She said trying to push Nicole away but she just continued to examine her. "You don't know that. There are many symptoms of  concussion and you happen to have quite few. Like a severe headache." Nicole said and Jane sighed. Then someone came bursting through the door. He was a handsome man with light brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a jeans and white shirt. She knew that style all too well. Her fiancé, Kyle, rushed to her and embraced her. After assuring him she was fine, she introduced Nicole. Nicole gave him a smile and shook his outstretched hand. "And you must be Paul Jetter. Pleasure to meet you." Kyle said turning to Paul and shaking his hand. "She has no injuries but she might be suffering a minor concussion. She won't let us fully examine her though so we won't know for sure. But either way Jane, you have to rest. It's the best thing to make sure you fully recover." Nicole said. "And with that said, I think I should get you home." Kyle said. But then she remembered why she was lying in a hospital bed. "Wait. Did you see... what happened to Markus on the camera?" She asked and Nicole and Paul shifted uncomfortably. "No one blames you, Jane. He was a mad man. We saw he pulled a gun out on you and..." Paul said but she interrupted him. "He pulled a gun out on me? No, that's not what happened. He... He started levitating off the ground. Then fire erupted all over him, then a body fell out of the fire." She said and stared at them. Their faces were concerned. "Jane, there was no fire. He killed himself." Nicole said. She shook her head and said, "I know it sounds crazy, but I know what I saw." She looked at each of them in turn but they all turned their face away. "You could have dreamed that happened and not have remembered what really happened. Maybe we should do CT scan." Nicole said, finally looking at her. "I don't have a concussion and I'm not crazy. It happened right after that loud bang that shook the hospital." Jane said desperately. At this they looked at one another, back at her then at the floor. "Jane, there was no loud bang." Paul said gently. "Well then how would he get a gun? All patients are searched all the time!" She said indignantly. Nobody had an answer to this but they obviously still did not believe her. She looked at her fiancé arching an eyebrow. "I believe you should get some rest. And whatever happened today, try to forget about it." He asked, looking intently at her. She raised her hands in a angry surrender. Why wouldn't anyone believe her? She looked to the bed next to her where Randy Civil lay. He had a pipe going through his nose and other pipes protruding from under his blankets. He stared up at the ceiling but he blinked to show he was listening.

Later, she and Kyle were driving home in her car. A silence filled the car as Jane thought about the day's events. Kyle, who was driving, side glanced at her and tried to make conversation by talking about her sister missing her. Jane, who didn't want conversation, just grunted as a reply and continued to stare out the window. Kyle sighed and they drove the rest of the way in silence. Finally pulling up in front of the apartment, Kyle parked the car in the garage and he and Jane went inside. She got in a hot shower while he started to make dinner. When she came downstairs again, clean and in her pajamas, her plate of macaroni and cheese was on the table waiting for her. She sat down opposite Kyle and started to eat. For the first few minutes they ate in silence. Then Jane said, "I know what I saw and I'm not crazy or seeing things, Kyle." And she stared at her food. "Jane, I believe you. But it doesn't matter what happened today. You just need to forget about it." He said. They watched a movie, then they fell asleep. But the peace didn't last long...

Jane woke to a loud banging from downstairs. The time was 03:37. She crawled out of bed and walked slowly down the stairs. As she reached the last step of the stairs, it creaked and the banging stopped. She stood still, listening for any sound of movement. Then she heard the sound of rolling and Kyle's baseball bat rolled in front of her. She didn't move, paralyzed with fear. Was someone in the house? Then she heard the pounding of footsteps. It came closer, and closer. Until someone walked in front of her. A man with long black hair and grey skin. His hair covered his face. He picked up the bat, seemingly not knowing he had an audience. Then the stairs creaked again and he looked up into her face. The moment he did it felt as if a bucket of ice had been poured over her body and her feet were frozen to the floor. His eyes were completely black and his mouth looked as if it had been glued together. He picked up the bat and raised it high above his head, ready to bring it down hard. She couldn't scream and couldn't run. Bracing for impact, she closed her eyes. Then footsteps sounded coming down the stairs and Kyle appeared. She inhaled deeply and found she was able to move and talk again. "Did you see him?" She asked him. "Who Jane?" He asked confused. "Him. The man..." When she looked again, he was gone. "Come on. You have to rest."He said and pushed her up the stairs. Who was he and what was he going to do if Kyle hadn't come downstairs...?

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