Chapter 4

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He stared at her with amusement in his eyes. She moved to the chair opposite him and sat down to face him.  She took out the folder and turned on the tape recorder. "My job is to be someone to talk to and someone to help you with whatever problems you may have. I just want to let you know that I turned on that tape recorder over there, to record our interview. Now..." She wanted to continue but he interrupted he. "What is the recorder for?" He asked not taking his eyes off her. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and said, "It's just so that I can go back and review our interview later. Don't worry. Moving on, is there anything you wish to discuss with me?" She asked, looking down at her paper. But he did not answer. She looked up at him to find he was still staring fixedly at her, with an almost hungry expression on his face. He had rough features but she could see he was a once handsome man with messy black hair. "Uh... Mr. Clang, please answer my question." She said, looking back down at her paper. He spoke and for the first time, she really heard his voice. "I do not wish to talk about anything." He said shortly. That was the voice in her dream. He was still staring at her. So she got up and left the room without another word.

That evening she called and told Kyle everything that happened that day. When she finished, he practically shouted, "How could they let you do that so early in your career?" She just sighed deeply instead of answering. Hearing the anxiety in her voice, he reminded her of Paul's promise and with that they hung up. Jan got into bed and once again dreamed about that cold, low voiced man. But this time he had a face. The face of Markus Clang...

The next morning, Jane decided to get to work earlier and have her fruit salad there. And so she sat in the kitchen eating when Nicole walked in and greeted her brightly. Jane greeted her back the same way. Jane did not have time to talk though because when she checked her watch, she had to see her first patient for the day. She hurried to her office, sat down on the sofa and waited for the guards. Then came a knock at the door and Randy Civil came in. She smiled at him and said, "Hi Randy. How are you feeling?" But Randy didn't sit down. He just stood and stared at her. She gestured toward the couch. He sat down but continued to stare at her. "Okay, so..." She started to speak but he interrupted her. "You didn't listen to me, did you? You still saw him." He said. It took her a few moments to realise what he was talking about. "Randy did... Did you know Markus was coming here?" She asked raising, an eyebrow. Then Randy was on his feet. "Why didn't you listen to me? Dr. Clarke, I'm not crazy and he is not good to know! He's the reason I'm in here! Is he after me now? Why is he here?" This last part he said more to himself than to her and started to pace up and down. Then he turned slowly towards her with a look that suggested he had seen an alien. "Or maybe... But why? Could he be after you?" He asked himself. She stood up too and tried to calm him down but he shouted loudly at her to not talk to him again then he might lea e her alone. Then the guards came bursting through the door and tackled Randy to the floor. "Randy, are you alright? I'll see you later, okay?" She told Randy who was whimpering from the force of the tackle. They took him out and Jane was left to clean up the mess

She was sitting in her office with Mary Timothy, a patient with Agoraphobia, when the door burst open. Nicole came rushing in breathing heavily trying to pull Jane out the door. "What the heck is going on, Nicole?" Jane shouted at her. "It's Randy." Nicole answered. When they came to a stop in front of a door with a window in, Jane looked through. Randy Civil was banging against each and every wall but screaming. Jane tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. She tried banging on the window telling him to stop. The blood was splattering on each and every wall. As she screamed, he flew against the door. His face covered in blood leaking from his mouth and his eyes he said, "I told you. He will kill us all."

She cupped her mouth with her hand. Then a voice came from behind her demanding to know what was going on. He came and stopped next to Jane. He looked through the window and all the colour drained from his face.  He shouted for Nicole and Jane to leave and go back to work. Nicole grabbed her shoulders and led her back to her office. "I'm going to go back to my office. I have more patients to see." Nicole mumbled and left the room. Jane still couldn't believe what happened. She paced up and down the room, hot tears forming in her eyes. She sat down and put her head and her desk and dozed off.

She was not sure for how long she slept but she was awaken by Paul. "Jane, are you okay?" He asked sitting down opposite her. She just shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know what to say but there was one question she could not keep in any longer. "Is Randy dead?" She asked and was afraid of the answer. They were quiet for a few moments, then he said, "No. He's not dead but he's not alive either. He's hanging on somewhere between life and death." They sat in silence, Jane staring at her hands in her lap and Paul staring out the window in her office. Finally, Paul said, "Tell you what.  Go home early and relax. If you don't feel fit enough to come to work tomorrow, then don't." And got up, holding out a hand for Jane. She shook her head, saying she still had patients to see. "I order you to go home. Otherwise you're fired." He said seriously. She gave him a weak smile and took his hand, somewhat reluctantly. After Paul left, Jane packed up her things and locked her office door. Walking down the hallway, she noticed that a lot of the rooms were being guarded. Probably to watch if anything suspicious happens. She came to a stop at Randy's room door. There was so many people in there. Jane refused to look and walked out the door with a second glance.

That night, Jane lie tossing and turning in bed. She checked her watch and it was already 01:53. She got up and walked to the bathroom to get sleeping pills. She got in her bed with a glass of water and a sleeping pill. Just as she wanted to take them, a cold voice hissed at her from the doorway. "Don't take those, girl. I like watching you awake. Sleep deprived and guilty. It's so enjoyable." It said and laughed a cold, devilish laugh. She stared at the doorway and quickly drank the tablets. Then she lie down and listened to the laughter ringing in her ears. Each second it grew louder and more sinister. Until finally, she started to doze off...

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