Chapter 13

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Jane shook her head as if trying to clean her ears. She thought she just heard "devil" but that could not be possible. She was so stupefied that she actually laughed out loud. She closed her eyes, hoping she was dreaming and hoped when she opened them should would wake from a bad dream, wake up and see there wasn't a lunatic sitting opposite her. But when she opened her eyes she was sitting in the same dark room sitting opposite the same strange man. But he was not staring at her but at a spot somewhere behind her. Suddenly he asked, "Are your shoulders hurting?" She raised her eyebrow. Her shoulders were fine and she told him so. Her shoulders might be a little heavy but they were not hurting. He leaned forward and looked seriously at her. "Listen to me, Jane. This is not a joke. These entities that are following you around are draining you. Haven't you noticed that you're always tired. They're feeding off your soul, little by little, making you weak. When you're too weak and tired to fight back, they'll drag you to hell even if you shouldn't be there. Now I need you to think very carefully if there was ever a time that you or your family ever needed anything desperately. Was there ever a time of great despair where you would do anything to end it?" He asked. Jane did not know what to say. She was always tired but wasn't that just her overworking? But for some reason she trusted the man so she closed her eyes and thought very hard and her mind drifted to one particular time. A time when her father was not retired and was working with Markus Clang. At that time her mother was very sick and times were tough for all of them but her father took it the hardest. He worked all the time to take his mind of his wife. The doctors said there was no hope for her mother and so she stayed at home in bed. But over time she got miraculously better and started to live again. Even the doctors said it was a miracle. But maybe it wasn't. Maybe that was the exact plan.

She told this story to the man and he sat there deep in thought for a few moments. Then he said, to Jane's surprise, "I think you need to pay a visit to your parents."

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