Chapter 7

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Jane woke to find herself alone in bed at 06:45. She got up, showered and got dressed in normal jeans, shirt and boots. Pulling her hair up into a ponytail, she went downstairs to find a note on the fridge. It was Kyle saying he would call her later and to enjoy her day. As she made herself coffee, she looked out the living room window and saw someone wearing a dark jacket and a hood that covered his face. He was staring unflinchingly at her house. She opened the door and stepped onto the porch. "Can I help you?" She asked gently. Then he looked at her and spoke shakily and nervously. "Stay away from me." He said in a high pitched voice. "You're dangerous. Don't come near me!" He shouted and walked hurriedly down the street. Confused she went back inside. She felt drained, discouraged and alone. Even though she had so many people who cared for her, nobody believed her about what really happened to Markus. When she finally got in her car and drove to work, she noticed that the sun was out and it was a beautiful day. Yet it felt like a dark cloud was hanging over her. And she alone was under it...

When she entered the hospital building, she walked straight to Randy's ward. She didn't think she could go in unless it was visiting hours and it as only 08:05 but there were no doctors or nurses to stop her. She walked past beds straight to Randy's. When she got there his eyes were closed. She moved to the head of his bed and softly said his name. His body jerked and his eyes flickered open. He stared at her as if relieved to see it as her and not someone else. "Dr. Clarke, are you alright?" He asked. She nodded her head. "I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about. How are you?" She asked. He answered that he was still quite sore but was feeling much better since what happened. This was when she brought up the question. "What did happen, Randy? I know you didn't try to kill yourself." She said and stared intently at him. He looked away and she saw a shiver go through his body. She repeated his name and he turned his head back to stare at her and she was shocked to see fear on every inch of his face. "It was Markus, Dr. Clarke. He tried to kill me. He's not..."  He looked around him to check that no one was listening, "Human. He was sent here to hurt someone and I think that person... Is you." There's a moment of silence in which they both stared at one another. The only sound in the ward is the beeping of the other patients machines. She told him she didn't understand. Randy looked around again even though there was no one around to listen. He was being a little too paranoid. "Markus Clang is a servant. He kills people for his master, people who owe his master. " Randy said, his eyes scanning the ward every now and then. Jane was still very confused. Master? "What? Like a loan shark?" She asked, hoping for a full explanation. Randy shook his head, getting impatient that she wasn't understanding. "No, something much more valuable than money." He looked around again before he continued, "Souls." He said in barely more than a whisper and Jane saw he was shaking as he did in her office the day the guards attacked him. She tried to calm him down but he continued to shake and sweat dripped down his forehead. Then he gave a sharp gasp and his eyes closed, his body now steady. Jane said his name and touched his arm. Immediately, his eyes flew open but they weren't his. His iris' were just black and the sclera were as white as a sheet. She quickly removed her hand from his arm but he grabbed it and his grip was very strong for someone who was supposed to be critically injured. "Randy, let me go?" She said, her voice slightly shaky. He laughed and his abnormal eyes stared into her soul. "Mmm, your essence is so pure." He said and she saw his nose twitch as if sniffing her. She tried to pull her arm out of his grasp but he was too powerful. She stood there, full of fear but she felt all the energy being drained out of her. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, his whole eye started to become black and his smile stretched much wider than it normally should. "Who are you?" She whispered, his nails were digging into her skin now. "Your angel of death." He said and pushed her backward. She fell on the floor and Randy's machine started beeping too. She stood slowly up, her legs badly shaking. Randy gave another sharp gasp and fell into an unconsciousness state. Then the loud monotone sound signalled that he had flatlined. At this point Jane started screaming for help and people in neighbouring beds started to stir from their sleep. Finally nurses came but not before Jane had woken up half the patients. The doctors were then trying to revive Randy but Jane could not see because the nurses were already ushering her out the door and slammed it in her face. For those few seconds, Jane was sure Randy was not Randy and she was sure that whatever was inside Randy... Was not very nice.

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