Chapter 11

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The hand with long nails was resting on her shoulder being ready to grip whenever provoked. It slowly slid around the back of her neck and her other shoulder until the thing that was behind her was facing her. It was petrifying. The thing that stood in front of her was the most horrifying thing she had seen. It had extremely long teeth and a wide jaw. Its eyes were a frightening shade of yellow, glowing and seemed as if it were analysing her under its messy black hair. This must have been a human. It had a bare human chest and wore a jeans. On its chest was a symbol and immediately she knew what it meant. The devil's sign. It was terrifying yet it seemed somehow familiar. The moment it spoke she knew why. "I told you he would come for you." Markus Clang said. Jane just stared and he grinned back wickedly. She asked him what he meant, glued to the spot. His laughter rang in her ears. "We are going to kill you." He said and laughed again. She walked backward, away from Markus but he too moved forward. She pleaded with him, saying he didn't have to do it. She said desperately. "Oh, but I must. Master will be so proud." He said and laughed. He looked hungrily at her. "So, is this why you killed your parents? Have you always been his slave, Markus?" She asked, trying to stall him. He stopped and stared at her. "Oh, yes. Master did not like them. They were too..." He though for a moment, "Controlling. They wouldn't let Markus do his animal sacrifices and rituals. So he killed them. And master was happy. That guaranteed his spot in hell." He said and started moving towards her again. Why was he speaking as if he isn't Markus Clang? "Why did you try to kill Randy?" She asked. He stopped again and stared. Then he smiled maniacally. "Master thought he knew too much. He was looking out for you. Warning me to stay away. But there are other reasons too. One's you shall know about soon but now is not the time." He said, his eyes glowing. "So I tortured him and how enjoyable it was. Watching him screaming and begging and..." He tried to continue but was interrupted by Jane's screams. "Stop! Shut up! Shut up!" She screamed. He grinned maliciously and laughed as he started moving towards her again. She was inches away from the fire around her. Trying to think of a way out, she stared around. Could she run through the fire? It had to be supernatural. Should she risk it? Markus was a few steps away from her now. She couldn't see a way out. This was the end. She didn't even understand why this was happening to her, but she knew it was over.

He was now a few centimeters away from her. She just stared back at him, surprisingly, emotionless. He licked his lips and flicked out his claws. Now inches from her face, she could feel his hot breath on her neck. He took a claw and drew it right down her arm from her shoulder. She screamed and gasped. It burned and sizzled and the pain seemed to spread throughout her entire body. Within minutes, her entire body felt as if it was on fire from the inside. Markus just stood and laughed at her, lying on the floor screaming. "Come now. Master is waiting." Then a bright light shone and she closed her eyes. She knew she must be dead.

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