Chapter 15

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They pulled up in front of the institution that seemed calm from the outside but on the inside it was total chaos. Just as she was about to walk through the front door, Jackson stopped her. "Jane we have very limited time so make this quick." He said and she nodded her agreement. She pushed through the door and was met by a burst of noise and shuffling in a very crowded hallway. It was as if every doctor was in panic. Jane saw a fimiliar red head in the crowd. "Nicole? What's going on?" She shouted over the noise. Nicole's hair was standing up all over the place and her clothes were stretched. She seemed to not recognise Jane at first. Then her eyes opened wide. "Jane! You're here?" She said, her voice full of relieve. Again Jane asked what was going on. Nicole stared at her as though she were crazy and then answered, "The patients are going crazy. Every single one is screaming that there is some loud, painful ringing in their ears. Randy just kept asking for you. Follow me." She said and led Jane to Randy's room. Nobody took notice of Jackson and he was calm as if this happened everyday. He was sitting on his bed with his hands over his ears. "Be careful. They get a bit aggressive because of the ringing." With that Nicole left to attend to some other patients. Jane gave Jackson a slight nod and entered the room. Randy didn't look up because he hadn't heard probably because of the ringing in his ears. He looked much better since last time. Jane walked over and, not wanting to frighten him, put a gentle hand on his shoulder. He jerked away and stared up into Jane's eyes. His eyes suddenly lit up and he hugged Jane. "Dr. Clarke! Are you alright?" He asked concerned. She gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Randy, you can call me Jane." He nodded but then he remembered what happened last time they spoke. He backed away, frightened he might hurt her again. She tried to reassure him by saying that she knew it was Markus who possessed him but he just backed away further until he bumped into the wall. Jane stood and stared at him. "Why does all the patients have ringing in their ears? What's going on?" She asked, trying to make sense of the whole situation. He stared out the window in the door. "It's him." He said and explained to Jane that the loud sound in their ears were actually Markus' devilish laughter but no one knew it but him. This was when she brought up the question she'd been dying to ask Randy. "Why do you know so much about Markus?" She asked and saw Randy's body tense. He stared anywhere but at her then settled for just staring at the floor. She repeated his name and he finally looked at her. That was when she saw anger and sadness in his eyes. "Markus isn't his name. Markus Clang is the name of a boy that killed his parents when he was fourteen years old on the order of the devil. In other words he was a devil worshipper. The man that came here to the institution was not Markus Clang. Yes, he had his body but his soul was someone else's. It was the soul of one of the devil's demons that collects the sold souls. I know this because... He took my brothers soul but when he came into our lives he was in someone else's body. After he takes the souls he possesses the empty bodies and that's why I burnt my brother's body. So that that monster couldn't use it as a puppet." Randy said angrily. Jane stood frozen to the spot not knowing what to say or do. Then she opened her mouth to ask a question but Randy beat her to it. "My father sold his soul to the devil to spare my life after I was critically injured in an accident. So I couldn't live  with myself. It was my fault my brother was taken. So I decided I would rather spend the rest of my life in here letting the guilt eat away at me. I'm not crazy." Randy said and started shaking so badly he slid down the wall onto the floor. Jane finally had enough and went to sit next to Randy. He attempted to move away but had no energy so he gave up. She tried to tell him it was not his fault but she knew it was a useless attempt. Nothing was going to make him see otherwise. But then she thought of something. "Randy I need your help. I think history is repeating itself." Randy looked at her questioningly but before she could explain further the door opened and Jackson rushed in looking flustered. He closed the door behind him and explained that somehow all the patients doors were opened and they're all acting like animals. "I think it's time we go too. You've only got a few hours left until the day is over." He said and Randy finally understood. He got up and stared at Jane. "Someone sold your soul, didn't they?" He asked and she slowly nodded her head. Randy seemed to now be focused saying that he was coming with them. They both tried to argue but Randy wouldn't hear it stating that he had seen the situation before so he could help. No one could argue with that so they left left the room with one person more than what they came.

After struggling to get through hysterical doctors and security trying to control the patients, they got out of hospital and drove out of the parking lot. Jane introduced the two and they immediately started trying to make a plan. Jane knew it was hopeless. The devil didn't want anything else but her soul. She didn't tell them this though and let them believe they were going to be able to save her but she wanted to savour her last few hours. After all it was a beautiful day.

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