Ch 19 & 20

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Chapter 19



Subject: On my way!

Good morning beautiful! We are currently sitting in the Melbourne airport, waiting to board our plane back to LA and that much closer to you. I wanted to write you something to read when you woke up, since I am going to be on a plane fooorever. I just wanted to tell you that I am so proud of us for surviving this crazy summer. I know that, after this, we will be able to get through anything! I am really looking forward to getting home, to spending some time with my two beautiful girls and then meeting you in Virginia Beach for a week! I know it's been a long few months, but just a couple of days more to go, and we will get to be together. I will call you when I get home; I can't wait to hear your pretty voice in my ear, telling me how much you love me! Ok, sweetheart, time to fly! I'm coming home now! Love always-Dave.

I stared at my computer screen on that Wednesday morning and smiled. Dave would be home soon, back in the US, with only a 3 hours time difference and a little over a week to go until we were together. Of course, he had wanted to see me right away, but we both felt it was most important that he get home to see his kids. So, we planned to take that trip to Virginia that we had talked about doing back in the spring. We would each fly out separately on the following Friday night, meeting at Dave's house on the beach and spend the next nine days together before we flew back to our respective homes Sunday afternoon.

The next few days stretched on and on. Dave was home, spending time with Violet and Hayden, who had really, really missed him. We resumed our nightly chats before I went to sleep, often giggling about what we were going to do to each other when we finally were together.

August in Massachusetts is hot and muggy and everyday after work, I would peel off my professional attire, pull on my bathing suit, mix up a drink and float around my pool. Most days, Heidi and Danielle could be found keeping me company and enjoying cooling off in the water. Thursday afternoon, just over a week since Dave arrived back in LA, I punched out of work and climbed into my car. I settled in for my half hour commute, dialing Dave's cell phone, for our daily drive home chat.

“Hey gorgeous,” his happy voice rang in my ears. “Are you on your way home?”

“Yes, and I can't wait to get out of these clothes, it is so muggy here today,” I said, blasting the car's air conditioning.

“Mmm, I can't wait to see you out of your clothes,” Dave said, lasciviously.

“Tomorrow night!” I squealed. “Just one more night apart!”

“I can't bare it,” Dave groaned. We chatted for the rest of my drive home. I was pulling off the highway onto my exit when Dave said, “So, when you get home, I got you a present. It should be waiting there for you!”

“A present!?” I gasped excitedly. “What is it?”

“It's a surprise,” he said, laughing.

“Is it something to do with our trip?” I asked, trying to pry information from him.

“Hmm…” he said, thinking for a moment. “I guess you could say that.”

“Ok, I am just pulling onto my street now!” I said, excitedly. I sped down the street and pulled into the driveway. I clutched my cellphone to my ear as I jumped out of the car. I checked my side porch, where the mailman usually left my packages, for signs of a delivery. “Nothing on the porch,” I reported.

“Maybe check the front steps,” Dave instructed.

“Ok, checking now,” I told Dave as I ran around to the front of the house. I frowned. “There's nothing there…” I said, feeling disappointed.

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