Ch 27 & 28

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Chapter 27

                I picked my parents up at the airport on the second Saturday in November, early in the afternoon. It was so good to see them, we talked happily on the ride back to my house, catching up and planning out our week together. When we arrived back at the house, I let them unpack and settle into the guest room while I made some cold cut sandwiches and cracked a few beers for us. Eventually, they joined me in the kitchen and we sat down to eat.

                “So when do we get to meet this Dave?” my mom asked.

                “His flight lands in a few hours, he should be here for dinner,” I explained. “Before he gets here, though, there are a few things I need to explain.” Like with Heidi, in the beginning, I had omitted several key facts from what I had told them about Dave. They knew he was wealthy and they knew he was in the music business, however, I had kept the extent of his fame, thus far, out of it. I got up and left the room and returned quickly with my iPad, which I propped up so my parents could see the screen.

                “What does this have to do with your boyfriend?” My father asked.

                “Have you guys heard of Nirvana?” I asked. My parents both nodded and even though they recognized the name, I was sure they had never ever heard one of their songs. “So, Dave was in Nirvana,” I said, as I pulled up the slide show I had prepared. Pictures of Krist, Kurt and Dave appeared. I pointed out Dave, skinny, long stringy hair. My mom frowned. “Mom, this is twenty years ago.”

                “Ok, so he was famous 20 years ago,” she said.

                “Uh-huh,” I confirmed. I taped the screen a few times and pulled open the YouTube application. I hit play and the Foo Fighter’s music video for The Pretender popped up. “Ok, that’s Dave now,” I said, pointing him out again. They watched a few more moments of the music video.

                “He’s in a new band?” Dad asked. “Are they any good?” I nodded and pulled up a video clip of Dave at the Grammys.

                “They won a Grammy?” Mom asked, surprised.

                “They’ve won 11 Grammys,” I said, smiling, my heart swelling with pride. I switched videos again, finally pulling up a clip of the guys at Wembly Stadium, Dave speaking to the crowd of 86,000.

                “He’s got long hair?” My mom asked, confused. I laughed.

                “Mom, I trying to show you that Dave is incredibly talented and incredibly famous and all you can say is ‘he has long hair’?” I set down my iPad. My parents looked bewildered.

                “So this guy’s rich and famous and you are seeing him?” My dad asked.

                “Its more than ‘seeing’ him,” I said uncomfortably. “It’s pretty serious, which is why I want you guys to meet him. You will love him, he’s kind and funny and 100 % down to earth.”

                “Honey,” my mom said, trying to say the right thing, “It doesn’t matter what he does as long as he’s good to you and you are happy.” She hit the nail on the head. I smiled and hugged her.

                A few hours later, as my mother and I were working to prepare dinner, there was a knock on the door and Dave let himself in, travel bag slung over his shoulder. I set down my paring knife and ran over to greet him with a huge hug and a big kiss. When we parted, I took his hand to lead him into the kitchen to meet my parents, but I paused for a moment.

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