Ch 59 & 60

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Chapter 59

                “Why is it that when I was trying not to get pregnant, I did. But now that I’m trying, I can’t?” I asked Ali over coffee.

                “Are you guys…trying hard enough?” Ali asked with a giggle. I blushed.

                “Trust me, we’re trying pretty hard,” I laughed.

                “Have you been to the doctors at all?” she asked.

                “Not yet. I figured the first two months the birth control was still working it’s away out of my system, then the new album dropped and Dave was kind of busy. But now its January, it’s been six months since the wedding. Maybe it is time to see a doctor.”

                “Yeah, I’d make an appointment,” Alison said, sipping her coffee. I looked over at James playing on the floor and bit my lip. The reason I has been putting off the doctor’s appointment was because I was afraid to hear that my complicated delivery had ruined my chances of having more children. I shook my head.

                “I can’t wait for the guys to get back tonight,” I told her, changing the subject. They were away on tour, but Dave had been good about scheduling tour dates so he wouldn’t be away from home for long periods of time. And JD and I had joined them on the road for a few weeks here and there, so we weren’t actually apart all that much. This time, they’d been gone about five days but still, I was ready for him to be home.

                Alison stayed a little bit longer then we said our good-byes. After she left, I did call my OB/GYN and scheduled an appointment for later in the week. Almost as soon as I put the phone down, it began to ring. I looked at the screen and saw that it was Dave.

                “Hey handsome!” I said happily.

                “Hey gorgeous,” he replied. “How are you?”

                “Ready for you to be home,” I replied.

                “Well, you are going to have to wait a little bit longer,” he said, sounding disappointed. “Our flight is delayed. There’s a blizzard in Denver.”

                “Damn it,” I said, frowning.

                “I know… I am so sorry. I’m not happy either,” he replied and I could hear the frustration in my voice. “I’m going to get home very late.”

                “Well, I will be here. We miss you, JD and I,” I told him. We chatted for a few moments longer then exchanged “I love you”s and “good-bye”s before hanging up.

                Later that night, after I put JD down and was getting ready for bed myself, I decided to forgo my usual sleep attire of Dave’s old band T-shirts and panties and slipped under the covers, naked. I smiled to myself, imaging that Dave would be happy to find me like this in a few hours, when he finally arrived home.

                I was right. I woke up when I felt the bed shift and the blankets being pulled back as Dave crawled into bed next to me. He slipped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair, breathing me in.        

                “Mmmm….there’s a naked wife in my bed,” he whispered into my hair.

                “Welcome home,” I said sleepily, rolling over to face him.

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