Ch 61 & 62

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Chapter 61

                “No carrying, no lifting, no bending, no reaching,” Dave said as we pulled into the driveway of our new home. The movers had arrived shortly before us and were already unloading the trucks. Even with Dave’s nagging, I was still smiling ear to ear. “Katelyn Rose Grohl, are you listening to me?”

                “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I said, unbuckling my seat belt as Dave parked the car. “I heard you.”

                “You are just supervising,” Dave said, climbing out of the car. He walked around and helped me out of the passenger’s seat. “I mean it; I will take you right home.” I placed a hand on each of his shoulders and stood on my tip-toes, so that I was closer to eye level with him.

                “Baby, I read you loud and clear, I promise, I won’t over do it.” He bent slightly so that I could plant a kiss on his lips. I knew he was feeling nervous because it was on a moving day, similar to this one, that I’d gone into early labor with James. “I love you,” I whispered.

                “I love you,” he said, scooping me up and carrying me up the front stairs. “Welcome home!” he sang happily as he carried me over the threshold. He set me down gently. I looked around at the controlled chaos that was buzzing all around us.

                Even though we’d closed on our new home at the end of February, we had taken a few weeks to repaint and make small renovations before moving in. Dave and the guys had also been hard at work in the basement, getting the new home studio built. By mid March, we’d finished up the final touches at the new house and had mostly packed up the old house. I was looking forward to being unpacked and settling in to our amazing new house.

                “Hello!!” I heard from behind me. I turned to see Taylor and Alison and Chris and Cara stepping through the front door.

                “Welcome!” I said, holding out my arms for hugs.

                “Thanks for coming, guys,” Dave said, happily.

                “We are here to do all the heavy lifting for you,” Ali said, looking around. “Where would you like us to start?” I led the girls into the kitchen while Dave took the guys outside to start moving some furniture inside. The three of us began to unpack and organize the kitchen, both Ali and Cara making sure I wasn’t carrying, lifting, bending, or reaching, per Dave’s orders. I was only allowed to direct and I also folded some and put away some dish towels and pot holders.

                “Katie?” Dave called, poking his head in the kitchen, “Will you help us arrange the furniture in the bedroom?” I smiled and left the girls to finish organizing the kitchen and followed Dave upstairs. The master bedroom was located at the back of the house on the second floor. It was a large room with gorgeous dark hardwood flooring, and two sets of French doors that opened up to a good sized balcony that overlooked the huge back yard. There were two large his and her’s closets and a big en-suite bathroom. Dave, Tay and Chris placed the bedroom furniture where I directed and soon the ladies joined us upstairs to help me unpack clothes, shoes, sheets, blankets, pillows, towels and so on. After a little while, I was starting to feel tired, so even though it pained me to admit defeat, I crawled up on the bare mattress and closed my eyes. I felt a dainty hand brush against my cheek and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

                “You ok, sweetie?” Cara asked. I opened my eyes and smiled.

                “Yeah, just taking a quick rest,” I explained. “Give me twenty minutes.” I must have been more tired than I thought, because when I awoke, the bedroom was pretty much finished and the sun shinning in from outside had that late afternoon warmth to it. I stretched and got up. I wandered into the en-suite bathroom, which was also mostly unpacked and splashed water on my face. I then made my way downstairs to look for my love and for my friends. I found them all out back, sitting around a large patio table, sipping beers with the movers.

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