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'maybe i'm in love'

'maybe i'm in love'

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[ i wish i could explain your eyes,

and how the sound of your voice

gives me butterfly.

how your smile makes my heart

skip a beat

and how every time i'm with you,

i feel complete]


"so you're in love with her?" asked cassandra, making me choke on my croissant.

"i'm sorry, what?" i asked her and she laughed.

"are you in love with maddie, daniel?" she asked me again and i blushed.

"well- i mean, i maybe have some feelings for her...but-but, i'm not sure i'm in love with her. i mean, being in love is a big statement." i stuttered.

"you're so cute honestly." she chuckled as she watched me fiddle with my fingers. "but daniel, you just talk to me about her like you're in complete love. maybe you have more than just feelings about her." she added.

"but i-i can't be in love with her, cass." i said.

"why not?" she asked me as she too a sip of her coffee.

"i have a girlfriend." i responded and cassandra eyes went wide, and this time, it was her who choked on her drink.

"daniel james seavey! what the hell? how do you already have a girlfriend?" she yelled, making us gain weird looks from different people. i mouthed sorry to the people around us and turned to cassandra once again.

"it's a long story, it's not like that." i responded.

"yeah, then explain it to me because i don't understand what's happening right now." she crossed her arms.

"okay. hum, about 3 weeks ago, i received a message from our manager, david, telling me that i had to date someone to help our band get bigger. obviously, i didn't want to and i found it totally unfair that it was me that had to do it, but apparently i needed to do it because corbyn was already in a relationship, zach was too young and jonah and jack really didn't want to do it for some reason. so i accepted to just have a fake girlfriend because i didn't know it was really going to blow up and all. so our manager and the team set me up with a girl name meghan collins, i already knew her before. we had talk a little bit before but not too much. so david wanted us to meet in person so we'll have the paparazzis around us and all of that, you know so everyone will know that we're in a relationship. meghan and i started to become even more friends and i need to admit that i actually had feelings for her for a while but then i remembered maddie, and they completely disappeared. but meghan still have feelings for me and actually believes that i'm in complete love with her. to make it short, i was forced to be in a PR relationship." i finished and madison looked pretty shocked.

"this is freaking crazy!" she said and i looked down. "but now all the pieces fit, daniel! you should have told me that before!" she exclaimed.

"what do you mean?" i asked.

"god, i'm so dumb, i should have known!" she said again.

"what is it?" i asked her again and she smiled to me.

"madison saw your messages with meghan. she knows your password and you know, girls are always curious. she might have done some research like every normal girl and saw that you were going out with meghan. she got jealous, 'cause she's obviously in love with you and then she got mad, normal reaction when you get jealous. then, she kept that anger in for like two days and she finally exploded and told you many things that she actually didn't meant. here you go, daniel." she explained to me.

all of this actually made sense. maybe it was really what happened.

"but how can i make her forgive me?" i asked.

"you just got to talk to to her, say sweet stuff. tell her about how you feel." she answered. "you know guys always say that «girls are complicated». but that actually isn't true, you know? per example: if a girl says she's fine, she's obviously not fine, yes means no, go away means stay and cuddle with me, i don't care means that she cares a lot. it's easy to keep a girl, call her cute names and buy her chocolate." cassandra smiled and i chuckled.

"yeah this isn't easy at all." i said and she shook her head.

"you boys are the ones who are complicated." she laughed.

"whatever." i smiled.


{two hour later}

"are you ready, daniel?" cassandra asked me as she sat on my bed.

" i don't think i am honestly." i cringed as i looked at myself in my mirror and she rolled her eyes jokingly before walking towards me.

"you look perfect, madison is going to love you even more." she kissed me on the cheek and walked back to the bed.

"but i have to go meet my manager first , to convince him to end my relationship with meghan, and it's not going to be easy."

"it's going to be fine, daniel. look, you're going to end things with that meghan girl, you'll go talk to the love of your life and finally, you two are going to be the cutest couple on earth." she smiled at me.

"hopefully it will go like that." i mumbled and cassandra smiled saying 'it will', while walking otu of my room.

i followed her down the stairs were the boys were playing some video game.

"you look good, daniel." corbyn smirked, "may we know the reason why?" he asked.

"i'm going to see maddie." i answered and they all exchanged looks, "what?"

"nothing. good luck danny boy." jack replied.

i raised my eyebrows at them before slipping on my white vans. before getting out, i heard zach scream "damn daniel, back at t again with the white vans" and i laughed. i got out of the house and sighed.

here goes nothing

@-goldenwdw- 1046 words


the ending sucked sorry

^the whole chapter sucked

im sorry

anyway i cant wait to write THE chapter


sending all my love to you like always lovelies,

b x

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