Should I stay or Should I go

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(Ethan's P.O.V)
How could he do this... to his own girlfriend...
I walked into Grayson's room to grab my phone that I had forgotten earlier today. As I opened the door I hear Grayson whispering something, as if he was shutting someone up.
"Yo Gray, just forgot my phone... don't mind m-"
I freeze at the sight of Grayson on top of a girl... but it wasn't Vee...
"WHO THE FUCK IS SHE?!" I yelled pointing the top of my phone to the girl not realising it was Avery's grade 5 bully.
"I SAID GET OUT!!" Grayson yelled whilst trying to cover himself, frightening the girl, the girl runs to Grayson's walk-in wardrobe, hoping Ethan saw nothing.

"Grayson... why? You have a fucking girlfriend!"
"ME AND HER BROKE UP ETHAN! HOLY SHIT!" Grayson raised his voice, hoping for Ethan to feel some empathy.

Why was Grayson lying? It was blaintly obvious that he was still with Avery because his phone was blowing up with messages, from 'Baby Girl Vee'

"And people think I'm cruel..." I walk out with my phone in hand and call Avery.

Avery: new phone who is this
Ethan: hey Vee, it's me...
Avery: oh hey Ethan, what's up? Why you calling me? It's 9 o'clock and I still have curfew at 10...
Ethan: I need you to meet me at the old playhouse..
Avery: as in the one from when we were kids? Why? We only go there when there is an emerg- hang on a second... are you alright??
Ethan: just meet me there at 10:30
Avery: but Eth-
Ethan Hangs up

I grab my bag and keys and go straight for the car, ignoring all the muttering behind me of Grayson calling out for me.

"How could he... and to his own girlfriend..."

(Avery's P.O.V)
Ethan hangs up the call..
"Fucking hell ethan, you know I have to be at home by 10..."
I rush downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Hey Mum... can I ask something?"
"Sure thing hun, what's up?" Mum says.
Her face looks way to sweet... must be visitors coming, need to put her game face on.
"Can I-" I pause.
"Can I????" Mum says with a confused face.
"Never mind, I'm going to head to bed early tonight, got the 'Big Test' tomorrow." I say with a tired smile.
"Alright darling, have a good nights sleep, I'll see you in the morning."
I run upstairs and close my door with the slightest force and change into darker clothing, because I was wearing a white Merch hoodie. I look over to my clock... 10:10 pm...
I grab my phone and open my window to see how high of I jump I need to make.
"Fuck... I- I can't jump that." I say looking down from the 2nd-storey.
I then hear a whisper.
"PSST. VEE. OVER HERE." It was Ethan.
"You hung up on me, I thought we were going to meet at the old playhouse?"
"We were, but I thought you might need a ride home after."
"Generous... alright, just fucking help me down from here, I ain't no rapunzel."
"As you wish rapunzel" he says with a cheeky grin.
I roll my eyes and sit on the window seal.
"Ready?" I say getting ready to jump down, figuring out how I'm going to get back up later.
"Just jump alreadyyyy"
"Fine fine." I jump landing right in Ethan's arms.
"Thankyouuu, now lets go before my mum notices."

10 minutes later we finally arrive to the old playhouse.

"Ok now you need to explain why I had to sneak out and WHY we need to meet here."
Ethan looks down at his feet whilst swinging on the swing set next to Me.
"Ethan, please.."
Ethan hesitantly replies.
"Grayson what??" Holy shit I sound like my mother.
"I caught him doing something..."
"Doing what? Cmon Ethan stop with the stupid short answers, I can't read your mind."
"Gray was in bed with that girl that used to bully you back in grade 5."

All of a sudden i freeze at those words.
Gray was in bed with that girl...
I only hear the screaming in my mind, and the muffled voice of Ethan.

"Avery... I'm so sorry... Avery..?"

I feel the heated tears, running down my cold cheeks.

"Is this some prank? You're lying, this is a prank."
"You can see it for yourself if you need to.."

Those words rung over and over in my head. He wasn't kidding?

I walk over to Ethan's car, and wait for Ethan to start the engine.

"Avery.. are you sure you want to see this..."
"Just drive" I say with a small voice, trying to keep it together just for that little bit longer.

After a good 10 minutes we finally arrive to Ethan and Grayson's house, to only hear noises coming from Grayson's room. Ethan opens the front door for me as walk to the door. Ethan walks slowly behind me as I go up to Grayson's room, then Their Mum calls out. "Oh. Hi Vee... I thought you were already with Grayson?" Then the look of fear came across her face as she just realised what's going on. She then looks deep into my eyes and nods. I finally go up the stairs and put my hand on the doorknob. 1 second is all it takes. 1 second to open that door. But the fear of losing just came rushing to me.

I finally open the door. And there they were.
The look on Grayson's face went from anger to shock.

"ITS ALWAYS FUCKING PROMISES GRAY! How could you..." I rush downstairs and zoom straight to the door.
"I'm so sorry Vee..."
"Thankyou Mrs. Dolan... I'll see you around..."
Ethan follows right behind me as I slump myself back down into the front seat, not even holding back the tears anymore.

Should I stay or should I go....

The Forbidden Boy {E.D} DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now