sei | lies

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EVER SINCE THEY HAD began dating, they always had trusted one another

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EVER SINCE THEY HAD began dating, they always had trusted one another. Trust didn't seem to exist between them anymore. Naomi always let him have his privacy and freedom, but maybe that's where she had gone wrong. She maybe let him have too much, to the point where he thought everything he was doing was perfectly fine.

But everything Paulo was doing was not fine, and absolutely the opposite of right.

Naomi had always told herself she would never do such a thing like going through his phone, invading his privacy. But sometimes you just needed too. She knew something was already going on, but she just needed something to actually make her believe that everything she feared he was doing, was actually happening. She couldn't accuse him of something she possibly had no proof of.

She could use the numerous times where he had come home late, and the times where he would come home with a smell of a girly perfume and those pinkish-purple bruises on his neck. But he would only brush her off, and tell her that she was crazy and that he was out with friends or he had gotten 'hurt' apparently at practice.

She felt her hand almost shaking as she picked up his phone, not even knowing if she should even go through his phone. Did she want to confirm once and for all that he was cheating? Did she really want all that? Everything seemed to point that he was cheating on her. But she was very naive, sometimes thinking he wouldn't do such a thing. But he would.

Paulo had practically hundreds, and thousands of beautiful women throwing themselves at him. She could scroll through some of his Instagram pictures and see the thousands of comments, as proof that he was wanted by many. He was a very good looking man, with a horrible heart. Naomi was absolutely tired of him always going out, constantly checking his messages, leaving the room to make phone calls, and being distant- more than ever now. All signs that practically screamed that he was cheating on her.

When she turned his phone on, it lit up with a picture of them when they had went on a 'mini-vacation' to Ibiza, almost two years ago. Paulo grinning widely as he carried her in his arms, it looked like those pictures of those couples who you wanted to be like on Instagram.

How could he possibly have pictures of us, while he spends his time ignoring me and possibly- most likely texting other women? All that faced her now was his unlocked phone- which she had easily unlocked because he didn't bother to change his passcode.

She let out a shaky breath and stared at the home screen which was the same picture as his lockscreen. Was this even the right thing to do? Should I even be looking through his phone? It probably wasn't right, but she needed answers and proof to finally get her head out of the little 'world' where she thought he could still love her. She first clicked on the icon, that held all his messages, the messages that could potentially break her heart even more than it was already.

"What are you doing, Naomi?"

Before she could even search through his phone, she heard his voice making her jump and throw his phone on the bed. She looked up only to see his infuriated green orbs, which held so much anger- angrier than she had ever seen. She immediately looked down, feeling already ashamed of herself for snooping through his phone, even though she hadn't even got the time to even look through anything.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Paulo spit, so harshly that she felt she would break down in tears anytime soon. He wasn't worried of what she would find because, there was nothing to find. Paulo wasn't stupid to leave his messages without deleting them.

"No, I-" she whispered weakly, but paused as she felt tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"You what? Naomi, you can't make up any stupid accuses about this. Why did you all of sudden think it was fine for you to search though my phone?"

"And why did you all of sudden think-" she started and paused once again. Naomi wanted to tell him to why he thought cheating on her was fine. But she stopped herself because, she knew this wouldn't end will. It never did.

"What? Say it Naomi. Tell my why you thought it was okay? I really want to know," he exclaimed, as she dropped her head in shame, not wanting to look him straight in the eyes.

He wondered why he even made her feel this way, she was right about her accusations. But he still felt the need to make her feel like she was who had done something wrong and hurt him, so he could be the victim in the situation.

"I- it's just that, you've been so different lately and I'm tired of-"

Paulo snickered and got his phone of the bed and shoved his phone into her hands. "Read them. Go ahead, Naomi."

"No," she sobbed. "Paulo, I-"

"No, Naomi. I would never cheat on you, ever," he told her, as he sat right next to her. All she did was stare down at her hands, fiddling with them.

How could Paulo possible say that? How could he live with the fact that he just kept lying to her.

Naomi nodded, but still, the tears wouldn't stop. She didn't believe a thing that was coming out of his mouth at the moment. She should've never believed a word that he had ever said to her. Naomi would've saved herself from so much, if she would have not believe the first time that Paulo told her that he loved her. She should have known that everything he told her were lies. But she only seemed to realize this now, but it was too late. Paulo had already caused much damage to her.

"I love you so much," he mumbled as he placed a soft kiss on her lips. Lies, lies and more lies. Lies were all that came out of his mouth.

"I love you too," she whispered. Did she really love him? She did, even after all he did to her. But she knew that one day- that would so soon- she would stop feeling anything for Paulo. She wouldn't feel a thing when he kissed her, she wouldn't feel a thing when he told her that he loved her. All he ever told her were lies. One day she would stop believing his lies, and nothing he could ever say would make her believe him.

omg, i wrote this in like an hour because i felt really bad for not updating in a while. (so i apologize for any errors.) i will try my best to update all my books my this week.

ily guys

also look how cute he is!! shoving all those damn marshmallows in his mouth lmfao.

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