otto | alicia

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❝SO YOU'RE TELLING ME,❞ Alicia began

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SO YOU'RE TELLING ME, Alicia began. "He never told you the time he-"

"Mamá," Paulo whined, knowing his mother would tell his girlfriend another embarrassing story about him and the dumb things he did when he was younger.

"Fine," she huffed. "But do you want to see Paulito's baby pictures?" Alicia added with a grin on her face.

"Oh of course," Naomi smiled making Paulo huff again. Alicia quickly got up and went to look for baby pictures of her youngest son.

"Can she embarrass me even more?" Paulo laughed, as he looked at his girlfriend who had the biggest grin on her face.

"Oh come on Paulito, don't be so mad. Plus baby Paulo is the cutest Paulo," she said, making him gasp.

It seemed like when Paulo was around his family, especially his mother, he was turned into another person almost. Like they brought out the adorable and fun side of Paulo. To everyone it seemed like their relationship was just perfect, like they didn't have any problems almost a month ago.

"So I'm not cute anymore?"

"Eh... you sorta still are," she joked, as Paulo leaned into her placing a soft kiss on her lips.

Not only did Paulo love everything about this- spending time with Naomi without having constant arguments and just overall being the same couple they were a few years back- he had felt a need to want to fix everything between them. Paulo loved Naomi no matter what happened or he did. The only thing that kept him from truly loving her completely was the fact that he felt he wasn't good enough for her. Plus, Paulo had always been a 'player' - never really attached to one girl he met, but that was way before Naomi.

Even after what he did every time, his heart and mind always went back to her. Constantly thinking how he could never make her happy but wondering how she was. Paulo really didn't want to lose her, even though his actions had shown otherwise. But no matter what, his heart always belonged to her.

Paulo and Naomi had arrived in his hometown, Laguna Larga yesterday morning. They had spent the entire day sleeping because, they were jet lagged from the twenty hour flight with various stops.

This morning he had woken up early, to find his mother cooking, which only brought back memories from his childhood to when he would wake up early on the weekends to the smell of his mother's wonderful cooking. And when his family would sit together, with his father who was still alive at the time, and eat breakfast as they would talk about what they had planned to do that day.

He and his mother had talked about a few things as they ate breakfast together, as Naomi was still in bed sleeping. Alicia knew that Paulo and Naomi weren't doing so well in their relationship- but what she didn't know was that Paulo and his actions were to be blamed for that. Her words stuck to him and really dug deep into his skin. He wanted to be happy with one person and start a family with someone- the only person he could ever imagine himself being with and having kids with was Naomi. But that wouldn't happen if he kept making the same childish mistakes.

Alicia came in to find Paulo's arms wrapped around Naomi's shoulders as she was laughing about some joke he had made.

"Que lindos!" Alicia said entering the room with a cyan colored book, which Naomi had assumed was filled with many, many pictures of a young Paulo Dybala.

"Awe, look at how cute you were Paulo," Naomi gushed. "And your hair, so cute!"

"Mira, que precioso," his mother added and Naomi agreed by nodding.

"You guys come on, it's been like an hour and all we've done is look at pictures of me saying: how cute or look at Paulito- can we please go out and eat lunch or something."

"Chill Paulito," Naomi joked. "What are you on? Your man period or something?" She said laughing at the serious expression on his face.

"Your not funny, at all," he stated but ended laughing.


"Paulo is so ugly, how did he ever get a girl as beautiful as you are," Paulo's older brother, Gustavo joked.

"He literally looks like a bird," Mariano, also Paulo's older brother, joined in teasing Paulo.

"Mi niño, you're beautiful," his mother mumbled as she pulled him to place a kiss on his cheek. Paulo had always been the child treated like a baby, only because he was the baby of the family and because Alicia didn't get to see Paulo much, but when she did, all her attention was devoted to him.

Paulo was 'La Joya' - not only the gem of Argentina, but also of the family. The young man that the entire family was proud of, always.

"See Gustavo, mom only loves her Paulito," Mariano joked adding a fake eye roll.

"I love you all, I love all my children equally," Alicia said.

Naomi couldn't help but feel happy at how their family was- at how much they loved one another and how united their family was- they were still happy, even if such an important person was missing from their family. They had one another, and that's all that really mattered them. How she wished her family could be like this again- to be a family again and have one another- but that was something that would happen again.

Naomi had really missed this, the feeling of being in Argentina enjoying the sun, knowing that she had returned to her beloved country after years.

Everything was just perfect right now, things between her and Paulo were perfect at the moment, she was back in Argentina spending time with her boyfriend's family. She wouldn't switch this moment for anything.

well hey guys! i haven't updated in a while, and i'm really sorry for that. also i'm not sure if paulo's mom and his brothers still live in argentina at the moment, if they don't; then they will in this story.

ily guys!

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