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NAOMI COULDN'T HELP BUT STARE, to stare at the beautiful man with a blank face, who sat in front of her, the man who she could call her boyfriend, and who the world knew as the Argentine football superstar Paulo Dybala

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NAOMI COULDN'T HELP BUT STARE, to stare at the beautiful man with a blank face, who sat in front of her, the man who she could call her boyfriend, and who the world knew as the Argentine football superstar Paulo Dybala.

"Come on, it'll be fun Nao," Paulo reassured.

Naomi sighed, "I'm not sure if going to a club is what I want to spend my Saturday night doing, Paulo. Plus, you'll probably end up getting extremely drunk and taking care of you isn't something I want to spend my Saturday night doing either."

"Let's just have some fun Naomi, and I promise I won't drink tonight," he said. Naomi crossed her arms and stared at him with an unimpressed look. "We know that's a lie," she laughed.

"Fine, just a little bit, okay babe," he spoke as he placed short and sweet kisses on her cheeks and forehead.

"Please?" he whined. "Please, Nao, come on!" he begged. His whining continued for quite a while until she gave in. "Fine, I'll go, but give me at least an hour to get ready."

Paulo groaned when he heard that she need so much time to get ready, "Naomi!" he groaned. His friends were already waiting for him at the club, he didn't want to show up and end up finding none of his friends because they had gone home already.

She laughed, "Fine then, no deal, you can go to the club by yourself babe."

Paulo rolled his eyes. "No, take all the time you want babe," he said sarcastically.

He knew that Naomi would take her time, purposely to piss him off. He would be meeting a few friends there, and he knew they would arrive really late because of Naomi. After what had felt like hours for Paulo- which actually weren't- Naomi had finally finished getting ready- which only took her forty minutes usually, but this time she had taken much longer to piss only Paulo off.

"You look extremely beautiful babe, really, but we're going to get there very late and don't you think that dress is a bit, you know.. too revealing?" Paulo spoke with a small blush appearing on his cheeks. He felt like a fourteen year old boy in school, blushing about the beautiful girls. Seeing him blush wasn't something you usually saw, Paulo was more of a cocky and overconfident person, who never felt shy or flustered about anything.

But when he had seen Naomi, he felt almost mesmerized by her. She was beautiful, and everyone could see that but to Paulo, she was more than just a pretty face. She was beautiful inside and out to him. But sometimes he seemed to forget it, and the thought of him loving her seemed to leave his mind also.

Naomi shook her head, "I think it's fine, Paulo," she smiled leaving the room, as Paulo trailed behind her.


Partying or clubbing weren't Naomi's thing, she absolutely hated having to be around so many sweaty bodies dancing at once, who were most likely extremely drunk. She knew she should've not come, she hated clubs, but Paulo had asked her to and who could say no to Paulo?

Paulo and his friends would joke around and talk about random topics, as Naomi would just listen and laugh at the things that would come out of their mouths- since most of them were already drunk. She hated going to clubs, but maybe this time it would be an exception since she actually felt like she was enjoying herself.

Naomi and Paulo had danced for a while until they ended up back to the more secluded area where they were sitting, but by then Naomi's mood had completely changed. Paulo wondered if he had said or done something wrong.

But he wasn't the problem, it was his ex-girlfriend that she had seen. Naomi had spotted her dancing not so far from where they were sitting, and with no doubt, Naomi knew that Paulo had seen her also. Naomi had nothing against her, she had never done anything to Naomi in fact. But Paulo and her were still good friends. With how strange Paulo and Naomi's relationship was, she felt that maybe one day Paulo would want to go back to her, to someone who he had always loved.

She hated being so insecure, but she couldn't help it. Naomi excused herself and made her way quickly to the restroom, where she stayed for the next ten minutes. Thinking about how she was probably overthinking the entire situation and hoping that Paulo would've checked on her and asked her if they wanted to go home, but he didn't. She freshened herself up and exited the restroom.

When she had gotten through all the sweaty, dancing bodies and made it to where Paulo and his friends were, Naomi had noticed from afar that someone had taken her seat already. But she wasn't just anyone, it was Antonella. Paulo had talked about her a few times, here and there, enough to know that she had been an amazing girlfriend and that they were still friends. But his ex-girlfriends were never a topic that would make her feel jealous.

But seeing her sitting in her seat, so close to Paulo made her feel some jealousy inside. There was no reason to be jealous, but Naomi knew that Antonella had been someone really important to his life, someone who he had been in love with so long- and she felt like she couldn't compete with that.

Paulo had noticed that Naomi had arrived and sent her a sympathetic smile- Naomi wouldn't start a childish argument about how she was sitting in her seat, so she just a took a seat in another place, still being somewhat close to Paulo.

It had been hours, and Antonella still had not bothered to move away from Paulo, even if she was there. To be frank Antonella would've gotten even closer to him if it was possible. She found a way to somehow touch Paulo, even if it was the smallest tap on his bicep, which still caused Naomi to roll her eyes every time.

What annoyed her the most was that it was like Paulo had completely forgotten that she was here. All he cared about at the moment was listening to whatever would come out of his ex-girlfriend's mouth. Naomi felt her heart hurt every time he would smile at Antonella, because he looked at Antonella in a way she felt he had never looked at her, the way you looked at someone you loved.

Naomi even wondered if he had ever looked at her like he way he looked at Antonella. Maybe it was all in her head, but she felt like he was happier with Antonella in the few hours they had been there than he had ever felt with her.

When Antonella had finally left, it was like Paulo had finally remembered that Naomi existed. He signaled for her to come over to where he was, but Naomi shook her head. Naomi instead got up and walked towards the exit, hoping she could get a taxi at this time.

Paulo quickly got up from his seat and followed Naomi through the sea of sweaty bodies. "Naomi. Naomi, wait," he called out as he noticed she was walking away from the club they were currently in. He knew that Naomi didn't know her way around here, but she was stubborn. "Wait Nao," he said as he finally watched up to her. "You aren't seriously mad are you?"

"I am, now leave me alone please."

Paulo held on to her arm, "We both know you don't even know where you are, how are you going to get to your father's house?"

"I can walk and ask someone for directions," she stated as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Its midnight, who are you going to ask? Everyone here is drunk and they don't even know where they are. Come on let's just go," Paulo muttered, as Naomi did what he said without saying a word.

They sat in silence as they drove back, everything felt too tense, and they knew that if someone said a word they would start arguing.

"I'm sorry Naomi," he said quietly, as he turned to look at her.

"What are you sorry for exactly? Ignoring me the entire night and forgetting I existed or the fact that you were flirting with her acting like you didn't have a girlfriend? There are so many more things you should be sorry for and you don't even realize it."

sorry for taking so long to update.
i haven't had much inspiration to write.
i love you all.

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