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A.N.., this chapter is also not mine

The second Betty stepped inside she realized that it was nothing like the previous parties she has ever been.

The first thing she noted that was different was the people. She was accustomed of being around people she knew, just like a hundred or less people from Riverdale High. But this? If she didn't know better she'll think that she was in the middle of a music festival or something like that. The place was completely crowded by a great variety of people, people she never saw in her life. She had no idea how she was supposed to find Veronica in this sea of people later.

The second thing that was a bit different, was the place. While still being 'shaped' like a house, it seemed more like some un-visited country club. The house was gigantic and so was the garden, but somehow you knew no one lived there even if it was completely furnished and decorated. It was really overwhelming, and even if in the past she already felt overwhelmed by Thornhill (where most parties happened) this was ten times worst.

And the final thing: The alcohol. She hasn't seen such amount of alcohol in her entire life. There were alcohol posts every ten feet, crowded by people that were grabbing different types of drinks and mixing them in the typical red cups, most of them were already considerably drunk, stumbling with their 'partners' over the place since it was pretty hard to walk handcuffed and drunk.

"Do you know how this works?" Jughead suddenly said, raising his voice a little for her to hear him over the loud music

.She knew it, Veronica just told her everything so now she knew, but still no sound came from her voice and that just made Jughead chuckle again. She was probably looking at him with wide, scared eyes like a deer in the headlights.

"We need to play some games to get free of these" He said, and raised both of their hands a little. She realized that they were still holding hands. "So, what game do you wanna play, doll face?" He asked, taking a cautious step closer to her, making Betty blush a little.

"Uh- What kind of games are there?" She asked and he smirked.

"Well, games like 7 minutes in heaven with your partner give you more keys than the rest" He said, suggestively even, making Betty's eyes widen and open and close her mouth like a fish. "Okay, no that type of games then" He said snorting at her reaction.

"I-I'm sorry" She stuttered. "Is just that-" She stopped. 'Is just that what, Betty? Is just that I have a boyfriend? Because you don't' She thought bitterly, pressing her lips together at her thoughts. She wasn't supposed to be thinking of him. 

"How about beer pong then?" He said, apparently oblivious about her change of behavior, and she was glad he didn't.

"Sure" She said with a bright smile. She didn't really want to play, she wasn't much of a drinker she almost never drinks unless it was a special occasion or if Archie offere- Damn it! She has to stop thinking about him! Maybe alcohol was for the first time a good idea after all.

"You did eat something before coming, right? I don't know if we're gonna have to drink a lot or not to find the key, so it probably wont be a good idea to drink with an empty stomach" he said as they walked towards where several beer-pong tables were.

"Yeah I did!" Betty said, laughing dismissively. 'No I didn't' she thought in her head and mentally kicked herself. Veronica said that maybe they'll have to drink a lot, no one really found her key in the first try, so she would have eaten something in order not to die tonight, but she didn't.

 If this was some other person she was hanging out with, she would have asked for them to go to where the snacks were (if there were any) but she didn't knew this guy so the last thing she wanted to be was a nuisance by dragging him everywhere.

(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Dont Wanna Be Right| Bughead \Continued/Where stories live. Discover now