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Betty had been conjuring up a plan for a while now. She hadn't stayed in contact with Jughead. He was always trying to call her,check to see if she was okay. The answer was no. She longed to be with Jughead, to feel his presence, a warm feeling inside her heart. Right now all she felt was cold and nothingness.

She didn't go to any of her classes. She only stayed in her dorm. Veronica had tried to talk to Betty on several occasions, Betty didn't respond.  Most times Veronica would ask of Archie or something about Jughead. Both names she was trying hard to forget.

When Betty decided to leave for a semester she didn't know how. 

It took her a long time to come to the realization that the only way was to fake her suicide and just leave. Not for to long, but long enough to regain the will to live and the strength buried down deep. Betty knew it was there somewhere, buried under all of the sorrow and despair.

The best way to fake her suicide would be to 'drown' herself because of the fact that it provides a plausible reason for the absence of a body.

Her plan was absurd but as long as it was believable it didn't matter.

At first Betty wasn't going to tell Veronica but for so long Betty had ignored Veronica so she deserved the truth. Some way some how Betty knew Veronica would blame her 'death' on herself so she needed to be sure that Veronica understood.  

How she was going to tell her was the difficult part.

Betty walked from her side of the dorm and sat herself next to Veronica, who was working away at her makeup.

'V' Betty mumbled.

'What' Veronica replied, clearly feeling previously hurt by Betty's ignorance.

'Well..I don't know where to start..erm' Betty stuttered.

'An apology would be nice' Veronica snapped.

'Yes...your right, I truly am sorry, for being so distant and ignorant, but I need you to understand something, you are my best friend, someone I can trust with my heart and my plans to escape the pain I am in, which is why I need to tell you something, if you promise to listen fully, not jump to conclusions and be there for me as I would you' Betty said, tearing up.

'I promise B, What is it?' Veronica asked, intrigued.

'well, I'm going to fake my suicide and leave here for a while, not long enough to be forgotten but long enough for me to become better, mentally'  

Veronica's jaw dropped. 

'I understand I sound completely insane, maybe I am insane but I feel so surrounded by darkness, so engulfed in wretched, deathly feelings that maybe just maybe, this is all for best and I need you to understand that' 

Veronica just nodded, she knew what her best friend needed to do and no matter how risky it was going to be she would stand by her best friend because thats what Betty needed, support.

'So, whats your plan?' Veronica asked, showing her understanding for Betty.

'wellll..' Betty started, 'Firstly I give hints to everyone for a couple of days that I'm not okay, I will slowly distant myself from my parents, they always talk with me on the phone, I will answer Jugheads texts saying simply, I'm fine, then ignore him again, Archie can suck a dick for all I care so he isn't getting any attention from me what so ever. Then I will write a suicide note, saying something like I'm sorry, I can't take it bla bla bla. Then you will say you think that I may have drown myself because of something, I don't know what yet. The plan is a sketch of the real thing, I've not got all the details yet, its in the making. And I know this is wrong but I need to do this. I will call you, only you, every day. You mustn't tell anyone and it will all go well' 

'Wow..I mean, its a plan alright, not bad. Its almost as if you have done this before, Well I'm in, I guess, but you have you promise me that you will come back, speak to Jughead about your feelings for him and most importantly keep yourself safe' Veronica pleaded.

'That can be arranged,' Betty joked.

She pulled out some pen and paper and began to write her fake suicide note. It read,

Dear Jughead, Mother, Father and Veronica

I am nothing but a burden to those who know me, who have to deal with me and I am gone for the best. My first attempt was cut short after being saved by a so called 'prince charming' but not all fairy tales with 'princes' in end well. I didn't want to kill myself, I just wanted the on going pain to stop, it didn't. Soon enough I will be forgotten, I'm nothing but a ripple in the sea. Maybe even a drip. Nothing. I want to say, I love you, I always will and always have dear mother and father. But it is the people like Archie Andrews that prevent me from being happy, from living. Jughead, Oh jughead, I really do like you, I was just afraid of the repetitive feeling of being hurt, Remember me jones as I will you. Finally, Veronica, You are the bestest friend I could of asked for, and you will always have a place in my heart as I hope I will when I am gone. Remember that I care for you so dearly but the pain is everlasting, tearing me apart, piece by piece. Goodbye dear friends, remember me. Because it only counts, only matters when someone is dead, when it leads to this. Veronica, I will be in my happy place.

I handed the note to Veronica for her approval, tears began streaming down her beautiful face.

She was going to miss her bestfriend, but it was for the best. Veronica knew that Betty's 'Happy place' would mean the river. Which would be the hint to her drowning herself.

Betty packed a bag of a few things that wouldnt be missed, grabbed her huge sum of money saved up and left.

'Goodbye for now Betty Cooper' Veronica cried.

Betty hugged Veronica and with that she was gone.

(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Dont Wanna Be Right| Bughead \Continued/Where stories live. Discover now