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Not mine x

It's been the oddest couple of days for Jughead Jones.

He was currently in his dorm, sitting in his beloved couch just thinking about how his life suddenly took such a rough change. He didn't mean a bad change, just an... interesting one.

It's been way too long since something has taking his interest, or even his thoughts.

Years have passed since he's been in Riverdale— the town with pep.

Thinking about it just made him want to let out a dry chuckle.

Physically, the town was a dream— at least to him. It was the perfect mixture of the 50's and the present, it was aesthetically pleasant and he remembered that just being there felt like being part of a movie.But asides of physical beauty, it was just a rotting and toxic town. Beautiful exterior, rotten interior. The perfect combination to lure you inside of Riverdale's dark corners.

He's seen the worst of it. Being born —and condemned— to the wrong side of the town lets you see the very worst of it. The North Side of Riverdale was considerably more expensive than the South Side. It was nicer, and cleaner and the people living there was presentable enough to make you believe they were the good neighbors and the good people. Funny thing, they didn't even call it 'The North Side', just Riverdale. Purposely excluding the South Side.

It wasn't like the South Side was completely awful. Sure, it was darker, and gloomier; but it matched his personality and it wasn't full of hypocrite people that would stab you in the back the second they had a chance. South Side was loyal, faithful and always welcoming to the ones that treated it right.

Sadly, being born in the South Side was like having the devil's mark (according to the North Side at least). It instantly made you a liar, a thief, a drug addict, a trouble maker. It didn't matter who you really were, people just wouldn't give you a chance.

When his father was young, he lived in the North Side (it was still hard to believe). Different from him, he attended to 'Riverdale High' instead of his school, that was South Side High (you realize the exclusion, right? He isn't making things up). He was good friends with the now heads of the North Side, he knew everyone from there very well, and he didn't have any troubles while living there.

Still, life wasn't good to the Jones at the time (or until recently). His grandfather got sick, and all the money they had disappeared with his treatments and medications; causing F.P. Jones and Gladys Jones to move to a trailer park in the South Side.

They didn't mind it at first, everyone of his friends from the North Side was very supporting, per say. Mourning the loss of F.P. Jones the 1st as they smiled in pity to his father and his mother.

Until his father started to become friends with some residents of the South Side, much of them being part of South Side infamous gang: The South Side Serpents.

Everyone of the so called 'friends' of his father disappeared. They began to ignore him, to avoid him, to pretend they didn't even know him.

Only his father's best friend remained. Fred Andrews.Consequently, things only got worst. It was very difficult to get a decent job in the South Side that payed as good as one in the North Side since they didn't want to hire South Side residents. Debts began to pile up quickly since Jughead and Jellybean were now part of the family. Times were never rougher, and the drink began to lure his father in. 

Just a couple of years later, Gladys Jones decided to run away from her problems, taking Jellybean with her, not saying goodbye.

The remaining broken Jones tried to steady themselves as they could, and 'luckily', Fred Andrews was there to give them a hand

(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Dont Wanna Be Right| Bughead \Continued/Where stories live. Discover now