My little boy growing up

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"Happy Birthday Levin!"

"He is a year old! My little boy. Irene's decent. I have raised him for a year now. A mother."

"Aphmau! Wow you have done a lot of hard work. Sir down, be with your son on his birthday."

"But the cake?"

"I will finish icing it. Be with him."

"Thank you Fain."

I walked in to the living room and saw my son playing in the middle of the room with Kyle and Alexis. Adults and other children were scattered outside and corners of the room.

"Hello Levin. Happy birthday my little man!"

"Ankle bitter is growing up fast."


"Hey Aphmau. How's it going? I heard Garroth was here."

"Really? You boys. And it's been busy."



"Boys, you are going to forget flirting with me or fighting at my son's birthday party when I get out of the kitchen......."



"You forget I am a mother and Levin can get himself into trouble. I have developed eyes on the back of my head withen the time he started to be out of his crib and moving around."

"Uggggghhhhhh Levin. Why do you have to get in trouble all the time? Now we can't mess with your mama."

"Good job baby."


"You boys. Thank you Fain for your help. Can you go put Laurence and Garroth back into their play area? They crawled away from Levin, Alexis, and Kyle."

"Ahhh. Why did you leave them behind?"

"What!? No! I am fine right here as the adult I am."

"Heck no!"

"Awww but your friends are all over here. It's not nice to just leave."

"Fain! I will end you in training!"

"No you won't baby."

(Fain's POV)

I messed around with the kids and the other grown men. Aphmau disappeared for awhile. She might be talking to others.

Levin's smile was so cute.

"Hey hun."


She came uo and put her head on my chest. I rested me head on hers and watched Levin. He was like a son to me. Good young boy.

"He's a year old."

"Yeah. This little man didn't even crawl when I was here. Now he's moving around better than me!"


Her smile was glowing. Her stomach poked out of the jacket she tried to use to cover it. She gave up and just delt with it.

Then everyone went silent. All talking and happyness ended. I became very frightent and the lights went out. The moon light bounced off Levin's eyes. I held June close and quickly grabbed Levin.

There she was. The candles glowed in her beautiful hazelish brown eyes. Aphmau held out a cake for Levin. She set it on the table and picked Levin out of my arms.

"Happy birthday to you.  Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Levin. Happy birthday to you."

Her voice was heavenly. She held her son as he 'blew out' his candle. She had pulled out the burned candle and someone turned on the lights.

"Here little man."

She handed him the cupcake. He stared down the cake.

"He rather have cake Aph."

"He's got his very own cupcake though."

Soon the party ended and Fain helped put up our Christmas tree.

"It's Christmas Eve little man."

"Was he actually born Christmas Eve?"

"That's what his birthmother said. She refused to tell, even me it. She said she has a letter in her will saying his age. And his fake death certificate. It's to hide him. Once he's older, he will be off the certificate."

"Oh. Well he's happy."

"Thank you Fain for helping. Levin loves the lights."



I ran to the living room and saw my son in shock at the now shattered ornament. He look back at me with a mixture of scared and innocence.


"Little one... did you break that ornament?"

He shook his head. His chubby cheeks were adorable in the glow of the colorful lights.

We cleaned up the ornament and I danced around the room with Levin in my arms. He fell asleep and all of us went to bed.

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