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- Eros -

The scent of sweet and bitter alcohol wafted through the air, mixed with sweat and cologne as bodies moulded against each other on the dance floor.

The music pumping and flowing through the space, lights flashing on the wall, the floor, on couples making out.

I stood on the second level, overlooking the dance floor, my eyes scanning my target couple. I've been looking all week for them to arrive. Hopefully I will spot them tonight.

I grabbed a shot from my tray and gulped it down, feeling the alcohol burn my throat before residing in my stomach. It's hard to focus on the job at hand unless there's some vodka involved.

I smiled and rested my hands on the railings in front of me, there they are. 

My machine a few days ago listed all their information and they were optimal partners for one another.

My matchmaking machine collects everything from both parties. From their stars, to their personalities, to their past, present and future before making the connection.

I winced inwardly, their relationship will be a rough one, but they'll make it. Somehow.

The woman, Ashley Hamilton, used to be married to a rich architect. Obviously her marriage wouldn't last, she's not meant to be with him.

A couple is only made when I've shot the arrows. 

She also used to be a rich woman from a rich family. Got divorced, company went bust and is now living on her own. I wonder if she found a job yet.

None of my business.

I looked over to the guy, Charles Anderson. Soon to inherit his father's interior design company and is now in charge of his own property firm.

I straightened my posture and stretched my arms, time to get down to business.

"Payne, get my arrows for me please," I called out behind me and my assistant handed my set of bow and arrows to me.

Two arrows to be exact.

Once the connection is confirmed, the arrows will be made by my matchmaking machine.

I held the thin dark red arrows in my hand, the scent of cherries and alcohol coming off them. The smell of lust and love.

I strung the arrow onto my golden bow, the intricate Greek designs carved beautifully and delicately.

I pulled the string back and aimed it at Charles, he had an annoying face, must be a player. He thinks he can get all the ladies, we'll see about that.

I let the arrow go, and it struck him right at his heart.

He seemed taken aback at first as hurt flashed across his face. Humans can feel the impact of the arrow the moment it hits. It takes a second or two for the arrow to disappear. But the moment it does, the victim will immediately forget the pain and the arrow.

I grinned, perfect shot.

I strung the second arrow and aimed it at Ashley, her face and dress were the same shades of bright red. Ugh, I wonder how she even managed to get married in the first place.

I pulled the string, strong and confident, then I saw a figure stride past Ashley.

I raised an eyebrow, what's she doing here? 

Destiny Paige, rising star and beautiful actress. She could sing, dance, act, everything a celebrity had to encompass she could do.

The thing is, I paired her a month ago. But yet her aura was missing. When a person has been shot with my arrow they will carry the scent of the arrow as well as the wonderful love struck glow.

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