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- Eros -

I trailed their car to some recording studio place and there was obviously security there.

I managed to sneak in with some fake staff passes from the last camera crew job Payne made us do.

The place was huge, there was a main building that seemed to be where the offices were. The buildings that surrounded that were most likely sets for recording or filming or whatever else humans did for entertainment.

Destiny parked at a VIP lot and I drove round to find a spot where she wouldn’t see me. After parking, I went inside and took a look around the office. It was very starry. Not your typical standard office layout, the interior looked something like the inside of a Universal Studios theme park, with lots of signs and lights and doors to offices and rooms.

I spotted Destiny’s room, a huge star lit up her door with her name shining in neon lights. It felt like I landed in Las Vegas.

Her door opened and I slipped behind a wall, seeing Destiny walk out in her long khaki suede coat with a simple white suit on the inside. She placed her sunglasses on her head and I stared at the beauty as she read a stack of papers. She stopped walking and turned in my direction, I quickly hid away from view and only turned around again when I heard her heels click away.

I feel so fucking pathetic now. But I wanted to see her the way she was, during the day in all her sweet glory.

Of course I could sit comfortably in my study at home and watch her from my pairing system, stalking her every move with my heaven cameras. But this was somehow more satisfying, knowing she was close to me.

I watched her as she went into a meeting room and I stood outside, wondering if I could somehow sneak in or if I should just have a walk around the place.

“May I help you?” My back froze from the voice and I steadied myself before turning around.

It was Destiny’s manager.

“I’m looking for Meeting Room 5,” I answered confidently.

I hope I remembered correctly which room Destiny entered.

“Ah it’s just on your right. Are you an actor or?” She trailed off and my mind started racing.

“I’m here to observe her lesson, if that’s okay? I’m not exactly keen on acting but my manager said I could come and have a look on how actors get into the role for some inspiration. I heard Destiny is a good role model,” I tried to smoke my way through and Elaine was clearly not grabbing until I mentioned Destiny.

“Of course! Destiny is perfect as an example! Come on in then, you must be a newbie actor huh? They’ve found themselves a really good looking one,” she laughed her way in as she dragged me into the room.

Some meeting room it was. The tables and chairs were in the centre of a huge set and lights were everywhere in that black space.

“Sit tight, she should be coming out soon. I’ll go talk to some of the Producers,” Elaine informed and made me sit in a chair.

Almost everyone sitting around me were holding clipboards with papers and were studying some stuff on their phone. They look so serious.

I turned to the grey haired guy next to me with a cap and black rimmed glasses, “What is this for?”

I pointed to the paper and he gave me a look, “Lesson material, it’s a script from Destiny’s last movie.”

“Do you have an extra copy?”

Before he could answer, I felt a thick wad of paper slap my face and Elaine glared at me, “Quiet! Take this, for someone so handsome you’re so unprepared.”

Eros' Destiny [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now