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- Eros -

I went down my flight of stairs to the main entrance. My whole house was designed according to my old temple in the heavens, right above Greece.

Greek styled columns, intricate designs, high ceilings and everything was white.

I had to add in some modern furniture in too of course. I didn't want to be outdated.

The exterior of my house was mostly inspired by my origins, but the interior was as modern as it can get. Leather furniture sets, marble countertops, metal and glass framing everything else.

Even my whole range of lambos were white.

Payne was waiting for me outside, leaning on his black sporty Ferrari, "Took you some time to get out here. How long did you sleep?"

I groaned, "Till you called me."

"Man, you need to eat something. It's not healthy you know, skipping meals. In fact I heard that eating five small meals a day is supposed to be ideal. As compared to eating three big ones."

I entered his car and his nagging got shut out for a short moment until he took his place at the driver's seat. 

"What are you up for?" Payne started up his engine before driving off and I shrugged.

I honestly didn't have much of an appetite. What with Destiny and Dylan's pairing stressing me out and the stupid articles.

Why was being human so difficult? Why was being me so difficult?

"I'll pick then, there's this new salad bar near the club. I heard they've got some really good breasts there," he blabbered excitedly.

I raised an eyebrow, "Breasts?"

He looked at me, confusion crossing his features, then he laughed, "Oh my God I meant chicken breasts! You should see the look on your face!"

I glared at him and he drove down to the salad place.

Payne ordered while I sat at the table staring at all the girls preparing and serving the food. He was right, they had really good breasts inside. And I don't mean the chicken ones.

They were eyeing and watching Payne and I like we were animals in the zoo. This one girl was leaning over the counter, her boobs were huge. I winked at her and she blushed bright red.

Ah humans.

Payne sat back down with me and I looked at him, "Why didn't you introduce this place to me earlier?"

"Like what you see? Even the mighty Eros can't handle temptations huh?"

I rolled my eyes and saw a familiar face enter the shop.

Dylan Rogue?

Anyone could recognise him even with those dumb sunglasses on. Who the fuck wears them at night?

Payne cocked his head and I nodded. He had his arm around a female and I recognised her from the article I read earlier.

We need to break them up.

Goodness I'm Eros and I'm breaking people up, what's going on?

I recalled back to the scan I did on the girl, is there something I could use to my advantage? 

I forked a bunch of veggies and meat into my mouth and chewed. 

Nuts and chicken.

She was a strict vegetarian and was allergic to nuts.


I got up from my seat and Payne shot a what-the-fuck look at me. I patted his shoulder and strode over to the counter, trying to strike a conversation with Miss Big Boobs.

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