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- Eros -

Defiance, there was defiance in her eyes. And a whole lot of happiness.

She grinned at me and raised her empty glass to me before getting off the stage. She disappeared in the sea of people and I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"Eros! What was that?!" Payne caught up with me, shock plastered on his face.

I had no idea. After centuries of living and pairing people I've never met someone who broke out of it.

"I don't know, we'll fix it."

He wanted to say more, but clearly the look on my face stopped him. I probably looked pissed as hell, which I kind of was.

An actress strode into my club and announced that she broke up with the man I paired her with. Who did she think she was? Taylor Swift?

We left the club and I got into my white gold-rimmed Lamborghini with Payne struggling to get in shot gun. My huge cases that stored my bow and arrows took up a lot of space and were really inconvenient.

I sighed and grabbed the cases from him, easily flinging it to the space behind the seats, "You need to work out man, you can't even lift my cases properly."

"I work out more than you but not everyone is as gifted as you are so stop your whining," he shot back.

I couldn't help smiling, Payne is such an idiot.

He's been my assistant for as long as I can remember. He isn't as built as I am, or as tall, or as smart, or as good looking. Okay, put simply, Payne is like me, but a lot less of everything.

Though in human sense he is extremely good looking and 'hot', if I may quote young teenage girls nowadays.

I'm just the crazy extreme of everything. Too extremely good looking.

I've had girls stalk me for months at a time, and the only way to get them to quit, after sleeping with them of course, is to pair them. Good riddance.

The engine rumbled quietly as we made our way down to my mansion.

"What do you think happened?" Payne questioned.

I pulled up at the entrance of my huge mansion and grabbed the suitcases from behind the seats.

"Check the records, maybe we can find something from there."

I got out of the car and we went inside, down to the basement. I placed my hand on the scanner next to the highly secured metal door and looked into the retina scan. A green light flashed, followed by a beeping sound and finally my security system greeted me, "Welcome back Master Eros."

"It's good to be back," I walked over to my showcase cabinet and opened my case. I placed my bow back on the stand and kept the case at the bottom of the shelf.

The moment Payne walked in the whole place flashed red and a dreadful siren rang throughout the space.

"I have a guest with me," I called out to the voice recognition as I went over to my work station and the lights immediately stopped flashing and went back to normal.

The siren also switched off and was replaced by some soothing nature music that never failed to calm my nerves.

My basement was basically my office and was where I did all my work. Researching partners, pairing them, checking their horoscopes and even their height and weight.

Everything was measured to have the optimum couple.

The perfect match.

There can only be one made for the other, hence what happened tonight, shouldn't have happened at all.

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