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- Eros -

The cold dark space between heaven and earth. 

I loathed this space, hated it to my very core. My mother's home.

It was exactly the same as the last time I was here. Cold, wet, dark and disgusting.

The musky and moist atmosphere, where everything good came to rot and die. Where my mother was left to waste away.

I knew why my mother was here, the prophecy said something about a hideous being and the vile sins of the heart.

My mother, Aphrodite, was a beautiful Goddess. All the Gods longed for her attention but when petty wars started occurring because of her, Zeus put a stop to it. Making Aphrodite marry Hephaestus, the ugliest God in all the heavens.

Aphrodite then cheated on him with my father, Ares, and I could already count all the sins she committed. 

Greed, infidelity and finally, jealousy.

Jealousy over another being's beauty.

None of that mattered to me now, because I was here for one thing. And she was lying brokenly on the ground.


I ran over and scooped her up into my arms, blood was flowing out her mouth and tears were falling down her cheeks.

She was still warm which was a good sign, but she was in so much pain.

My heart wrenched at the sight of her.

"Destiny," I breathed, pushing her hair away from her bruised face.

She opened her mouth but only blood gurgled out.

I took her hand in mine, feeling her broken bones and she winced.

I didn't know what to feel, what to do, only knew I was losing her.

I was losing my girl and I barely just found her.

She was pulled away from me forcefully and I growled, jumping to my feet as I lunged for my mother.

My fist made contact with her fat greasy face and she groaned loudly, “Eros! You would dare hurt your mother?!”

Her arms smacked me and I fell back, barely feeling the pain. My voice was eerily calm, “Let Destiny go.”

My mother laughed, her ugly crackly voice ringing out into the space, “My son, you have not learned. When will you listen to your mother? I told you to stay alone and you get yourself involved with a human girl! How could you let this happen?!”

She screamed and gripped Destiny’s body tighter, bones crunching, her face now turning a sick purple.

“Mother release her this instant!” I yelled and she glared at me.

"You ungrateful son! I spared that other girl the first time and you defy me yet again?! How dare you even ask for this girl to be released?!"

My heart ached, the sick feeling seeping it's way into me. 

She's guilt tripping you. She's using Psyche to threaten you.

To threaten Destiny.

I straightened myself, knowing damn well my mother will try to hurt me whatever way she could. Obviously she would use Psyche.

"I will not repeat myself," I spat out.

"You just want to kill me don't you?!"

"I will kill you if you don't let her go mother," I ordered. 

Eros' Destiny [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now