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I woke up fairly quickly, hearing loud crashing and the sound of rumbling. And Payne yelling again.

I pushed my head off the table and groaned. Dried blood was stuck everywhere.

My gun was missing and Payne crashed into my office, the alarms blaring away.

My head pounded, “I-It’s okay I have a guest.”

The sirens shut off and my mind automatically thought of Destiny, she didn’t have that problem when she entered my office.

Payne threw my gun to my face and I winced, “Ow, what’s that for?”

“You look disgusting, take the bullet out of your brain for goodness sake,” he spat and mumbled some vulgarities before leaving my office.

I reached to the back of my head and pulled the bullet out, pushing my brains and whatever back into my skull. I sighed and my machine hummed on, humans roaming the Earth.

“Run a scan for Destiny Paige please,” I called out and the machine buzzed louder.

I waited a few minutes, a dull throbbing in my heart, I’ll have to pair her again. I’ll take any excuse to see her again. I didn’t care.

“No match,” the system called out.

I raised a bloodied brow, “What?”

I reached out to the keyboard, typing Destiny’s name in.

The machine ran its scan, then a message flashed.



Payne came back in, the sirens wailing again, “I have a fucking guest can you shut the fuck up?!”

The sirens stopped and Payne cocked his head at me, holding the thick Greek book in his hands, “I leave for a few minutes and you’re already this angsty? Your doorbell is broken by the way, I've sent someone to come and repair it.”

“Payne I can’t pair her anymore.”

“What do you mean? The repair lady?"

I glared at him.

"Oh Destiny?” He came round to my side and stared at the screen.

I keyed in Destiny’s name again and the same error message came out.


“Fuck, what does this mean?” He wondered and my fingers hovered above the keyboard.

“Do you think I have a partner Payne?” I asked.

He blew out a breath, “You’ve never tried your name before?”

I shook my head. It was ingrained in my mind that I was to be alone, I never thought about typing my name before. Until now that is.

I keyed my name in and it loaded, my heart sped up.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

It stopped loading but my name flashed on the screen with an empty white box just below my name. The cursor was blinking in the box and I stared at it.

-Partner's Name:-

Payne nudged me, “Well type something, try Destiny’s name.”

I glanced at him and he gave me a look, “Stop looking at me with your bloody face just type her name in and see what happens. I told you I’ll support you and somehow you still managed to lose her. She already doesn’t have any matches so what’s the worst that can happen?”

Eros' Destiny [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now