Target 2 - Raven

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Walking through the strange forest, Tsunayoshi clutched the straps of his backpack tightly. He brought his sketchpad, pencils, books (for Reborn to read) and home-made bento he had cooked himself. One bento was for him, while the other was for Reborn. If this were going to become a common occurrence, he would have to give up on giving Reborn more books after this.

He sighed, shifting on the balls of his feet to the heel and back again before he heard powerful growls behind him. Turning on his heel, he spun around and let his perceptive eyes roam around the shrubbery freely.

Then he spotted it- a lightning type tiger. The tiger had a thick, sleek coat which was mostly white with lime green stripes. Its eyes were darker than the lines decorating its fur coat, but were still equally viridescent, seemingly glowing through the shadows made from the looming trees.

Scanning the area in which he was standing in, Tsunayoshi's calculative gaze took in every detail greedily, with not a single spot being unnoticed by the honey brown orbs. The tiger didn't cease its attack, jumping down from the tree branch to reveal its unnatural features.

The ears were longer, coupled with longer fur tufts at the tip and just around the base of the ear. The tail was one and a half metres long, with incredibly long fur growing from the one-metre mark to groom itself into a feather-like shape.

The stripes didn't follow through to the elongated ears, or the tail where the stripes slowly tapered in regularity until they eventually ceased to exist halfway through the snowy tail. The rest of said lengthy tail was a fluffy white colour, encouraging the illusion of a feather-like end to the fully articulated tail.

The creature made its tail move and twist behind it before letting it slump down and trail after its movements, clearly articulated with many small bones and joints. The full paws of the tiger look-a-like spread across the ground from the force which they had to support.

Suddenly, the brunette took off and sprinted through the forest, dodging trees and jumping over bushes and roots which stuck out of the soil. He knew, however, that he was no match for the natural predator following in his wake.

The creature presumably lived in this forest its entire life, clearly implying that it was familiar with the layout of at least one section of the vast forestry ( which covered approximately 14 000~ metres squared around Melbourn Academy's student camp).

Tsuna stumbled every now and again, the added weight on his back making him slower than he usually would be, although the adrenaline coursing through his veins had added to his speed.

The creature leapt and took broad jumps towards the defenceless human, its long tail flickering behind it like a cape. Tsuna panted, breathing deeply, trying to fill his lungs with the oxygenised air to try and keep his body moving farther away from the frightening summon following him, ready to pounce on its prey.

The brunette stumbled upon an uncharted area of the forest, as he could tell by the thicker tree trunks and darker wood- the dark colour of the wood had a grey tinge, with deep grooves in the bark adding more interest to the shadowed palette.

Coupled with the larger, wider roots and shady green shrubbery growing off of the trees, it was clear that this area of the forest was mostly unfound. Almost no light peaked through the leaves, creating a sinister atmosphere as Tsuna could only see five feet in front of him before shadows swallowed the scenery.

He tried to erase his breath, his clammy hands gripping different surfaces; one clasped around his mouth while the other grasped the cracked, dry bark of the wider trunks surrounding the region.

Tsuna mouthed the phrase, "please don't notice me," repeatedly like a mantra, his eyelids shut forcefully- the action rid him of one of his five main senses, sight, which consecutively heightened the sensitivity of his other four senses.

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