Target 42 - What to do, What to do...

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As soon as Reborn and Tsuna were finally reunited after months of being apart, they hugged.

There's nothing more to it. It was a hug, an I missed you and welcome home hug. Some things just aren't as spectacular as people make them out to be.

"I'm so glad you're back," the brunette managed to say, the tone breathy. Reborn tightened his hold on him.

"I'm glad to be back."

The height difference, although it wasn't dramatic, was still a bit too big. Tsuna balanced on his toes to boost his height by an inch or two.

The light swish of his fingers against Reborn's mark was enough to make the older man shiver.

"How did it go?" Tsuna asked, though he already knew the answer by the group's defeated looks, clenched fists and poorly hidden disappointment.

"We couldn't find either of them," Verde replied after a long stretch of silence. There was something bitter in his tone, and it made Tsuna feel guilty.

"Kawahira is one slippery bastard," Lal added.

"Well... you made progress, right? You guys have searched, like, loads of places and everything, so if you go out again, you'll know where not to look," the brunette offered weakly.

They all just looked tired. At least Skull and Colonnello looked grateful for the comment, though. 

All was silent when each of them slinked back into their rooms, sans Fon, Colonnello and Lal- they just went to their respective training grounds. 

"We're staying for a bit to make sense of all this before heading back," Reborn told him, "then we'll find them and talk."

Tsuna wasn't so sure about that. Kawahira didn't seem like the type to let himself be caught before he was ready. However, as always, the Sawada kept his mouth shut, and let his secrets stay where they should be:

In his head.


Ieyasu knew it would not be long until his father connected all of the carefully placed dots. His father may be a bit slow and often times too carefree and childish to know the consequences of his actions, but he wasn't stupid.

Which is why he had to sit here and wait for everyone to settle down so they wouldn't be insufferable during the whole meeting.

It was looking less likely by the minute because Xanxus was trying to kill one of Cozart's guardians and whoop, there goes Dino with his whip, trying to stop one of the most dangerous men in the mafia world.

How delightful. Oh look, there goes Alaude. That man is a force to be reckoned with on a good day. It just so happened that today was a horrible one.

Ieyasu is ready to curl up in his bed and cry. Unfortunately, he's a mafia boss, so he just rubs his temples instead.

"Tenth, would you like me to-"

"Don't even think about it."

Ieyasu did not have the patience for this. His guardians, he could handle- hell, sometimes he could even Xanxus. But this? This was just too much.

His rain guardian tried to comfort him, which wasn't a good idea. To be honest, Ieyasu felt even more pathetic.

"Everyone shut up!" He yelled, slamming his hands into the table. He winced. This table was an antique so it wouldn't do very good to scratch it up. He decided to deal with it later.

"It won't be long until Iemitsu actually realises what we've been doing and why. If my intuition is anything to go by, he's already starting to suspect something's going on."

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