Target 43 - Hot, Hot, Hot!

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It was summer. It was irrationally hot in Japan, and since he pretty much missed rain season, Tsuna was a bit upset.

He didn't even like the rain, for god's sake! But goddammit, if rain season isn't a fantastic time to be calm and cold before a possible heatwave hits.

"It's not that bad, Tsuna," Reborn told him.

"But it is!" the brunette whined, falling dramatically onto the older man. Reborn's mouth twitched.

"Renato, I am literally sweating my skin off. At least when it's cold, I can put on layers! What am I supposed to do when it gets insanely hot?" Tsuna complained. He rolled off of his summon to meet the cold floorboards.

"Make yourself a cold drink? Have a cold shower? Go to a swimming pool?" the raven suggested.

Tsuna pouted, giving no answer.

"It's too hot to go outside," he muttered. It was a bit muffled and quiet, but mainly because his cheek was pressed into the floorboard.

"How have you survived this long?"

"Sheer force of will and spite."


"Well, yeah, I wasn't about to prove that everyone was right about me all along."

Reborn's eyes narrowed dangerously. He did not like the implications of that sentence. At. All.

"Why aren't you hot?" Tsuna asked, still pouting. He rolled over onto his back.

"I thought I already was hot."

"That's not what I meant!" the Sawada shouted, not meeting Reborn's gaze. He folded his arms over his chest and rolled over to stare into the kitchen.

"Is your defence mechanism just dialled to 'fetus position' every time you feel remotely threatened or embarrassed?"

"No! ... Shut up!"

The raven just laughed. Tsuna's pout deepened. They sat in silence for a while. That didn't last long, however, because the brunette was still scorching. He spread himself on the floor. Reborn sighed.

"I'll go run you a cold bath. You look absolutely pathetic right now."

"Thanks, love you!"

Reborn sped out of the room before he could stop and ask about what that meant. His fast-beating heart wouldn't be able to take any kind of explanation for that slip of the tongue.

Meanwhile, Tsuna felt his face heat up, and not just because there's no AC at the dorms. Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, crAPCRAPCRAP-- he screamed to himself. 

I'm so stupid. What the hell is going on? Have I lost brain cells? Why did I say that? This wasn't supposed to happen ohmyGod. More and more thoughts like this ran through Tsuna's head. He wanted nothing more to melt into the floor right about now. Ironic, because he might just start melting. The heat is unbearable.

"He's gonna hate me!" Tsuna whined miserably. He cupped his face with his hands before spreading out again. "My palms are too sweaty and hot."

"Okay Tsuna, calm down. Reborn's not gonna hate you! He's too nice for that..." Tsuna pondered the statement. "Okay, so he isn't really that nice, but he's nice to me, so that's gotta count for something."

Almost directly after, the brunette gasped in fear.

"What if he decides he doesn't want to be my summon anymore? Oh God, it'll be awkward from now on, won't it? I've ruined everything!" Tsuna's eyes tear up. He was never good at thinking about the best outcomes.

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