Target 14 - Letters

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It wasn't that Tsunayoshi minded- no, quite the contrary -but this was too much. When he woke up that morning, he was being cuddled by Reborn so hard that he could not move. Seriously, it was as if a rope had bound him to the bed.

It was impossible for him to do anything except twitch, wriggle and kick. "Renato, wake up. I need to make breakfast and go to class," the boy explained, attempting to wriggle out of the man's steel grip.

Reluctantly, the man loosened his grip, thus letting the brunette out of his grasp. Even though the seasons have begun to shift, it now being mid-spring, the chilly winter air had still kept its wits about it and held on tightly.

Happily skipping around the apartment, the Sawada hastily folded both the thick and thin blankets which he kept in his living room.

After placing them at the end of the sofa, he made his way into the small kitchen to begin cooking the breakfast, simultaneously thinking of the dormitory he lived in.

Because of the second occupant- Reborn -living in his dorm, the rent had increased. The only thing he really hoped for was that Dino would continue giving him money to his undetected bank account so that he could keep paying for the dorm.

After all, he cannot get a job without the place he was working at being shut down or going bankrupt via his family and Iemitsu.

Reborn could get a job, though he doubted that the man would even consider the idea in the first place. He supposed that he could somehow find a way to avoid his father's agents and get rid of the rigged phone one way or another.

Tsuna sighed, his mind swimming with millions of possibilities. He supposed that he could ask the raven for help. However, he had a reasonable suspicion that the man would take an uncivilised approach.

The murderous look the man had in his coal eyes was a "hint" to his barbaric desires when it came to the Sawada family as a whole. This, of course, did not include Tsunayoshi whom Reborn deemed too "innocent and kind" to be even treated as one of them.

Despite all of this, the brunette still felt compelled to tell the raven his troubles; it was this kind of bond of trust between them, even though they had only known each other for a couple of weeks at most.

He heard a knock at the door, making him stop. At least he had, by this point, settled the scrambled eggs he made onto separate plates.

Once he had dodged the sofa, he opened the door. "Hello," he greeted. Before he could fully see the person, they shoved a small box into his hands with a couple of letters piled on top. "Thank you- oh, where did they go?"

The brunette looked around, noticing that the postman (whoever they may be) had seemingly disappeared into thin air. Shrugging it off- even though the postman did need his signature for the delivery of the box -he closed the door and placed both the box and letters onto the table.

"Who was that?" The ravenette asked, now up and about.

"Just the postman. The stuff is on the table," Tsuna explained quickly, taking the two plates and setting them on the table. "Here, eat up!"

Reborn sighed, sitting down across from Tsuna and yawned from his slight exhaustion. If anyone were to walk in on them, they would think that this was a typical Saturday morning for a couple; sitting down to eat breakfast, sorting through bills and mail, etc.

It was nice... Both males had felt, for once in their lives, normal. Not strange or feared, out of place or even awkward.

It was a typical morning; therefore it was a perfect morning.

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