Target 25 - The Ties Which Hold Us

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Cozarto Simon was a bright, bubbly character with fiery red hair and a charming smile which only showed a fraction of the top row of his teeth. Said smile was crooked, favouring the left, which added to its charm.

His roots were, and always will be, grounded in Italy, if his tanned complexion gave away anything. Much alike his business partner and best friend Ieyasu, he was named after one of his ancestors who had lived approximately four hundred years ago.

Coincidentally, the two bosses' ancestors were also the best of friends all those years ago, before a big misunderstanding between the two famiglias' future generations had created a rift between the Simon and Vongola bloodlines. 

Thankfully, the two decimo's were able to patch things up and find out the truth about what really happened all of those years ago. They had become great friends after that, and of course, business partners as well.

His eyes were also a fierce red, though his hair was a slightly darker shade, making their angry hue stand out against his hair.

His younger brother, Enma, shared many of the same qualities, though he was much quieter and timid than his Cozarto was. The Simon boss was like the sun; positive and full of energy, while Enma was like the moon; shy and cold.

They should repel each other, yet they worked so well in the most unusual of ways.

The same could be said about the tenth generation Vongola and Simon families. The Vongola had... questionable parenting methods which led to quite unstable children and questionable mental stabilities of said children.

The Simon tenth generation famiglia believed in more righteous parenting methods, including showering their children in compliments, love and support. Somehow, the two decimo's had managed to become the best of friends despite these differences.

One main, blaring difference between the two was that Ieyasu was very skilled at wearing masks. Cozarto could wear masks to conceal his true personality, his emotions and his thoughts but... he just didn't do it well.

Ieyasu had a flare for performing arts ever since he was young, and loved to act and perform in front of others which was the most likely reason as to why he could hide himself so well. He was a naturally talented actor, and to act that is what you had to do.

Rule number one of theatre: never break character.

Currently sitting quite comfortably in a lavish armchair, Cozarto was looking quite pleased with himself. Across from him, only a desk separating the two, was Ieyasu whose face was painted in countless shades of rose, scarlet and primrose.

"Seriously Cozarto! You need to stop doing that!" Ieyasu shouted, scowling heavily at the man sitting just a couple of inches in front of him.

"Stop doing what?"

"You know exactly what you're doing, don't play innocent with me!"

"Aw, come on Ie, don't be a spoil-sport."

The blonde just sneered, sitting back in his chair only to pout like a five year old in an argument they know they're losing. The carefree red-head just chuckled in response.

"Anyway," Ieyasu huffed, placing his forearms on the desk in front of him and leaning forward, "did you set everything up like I asked?"

"For your information, I did! Do you really have no faith in me, il mio amore?" The red head asked, pouting in mock hurt.

The amber-eyed boss just rolled his eyes at his best friend. "So, what do you have?"


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