Not-So-New Year's Omake Special

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Tsuna hated the cold.

Cold always meant the absence of warmth- the feeling of loneliness and anxiety, remorse and regret.

Tsuna hated winter.

Winter was always a time where it was unbearably cold (unless you were in the Southern hemisphere) and where layers of snow lay thickly on the ground in Japan.

In winter, snowsports thrived in Japan and there were occasional flocks of tourists who came to visit. He didn't understand them if he was being completely honest. The cold was always the brunette's least favourite.

There were good things about winter, of course. As with any other season, there were pros and cons. For Tsuna, the cons usually outweighed the pros when it came to winter.

Warm sake was something he always enjoyed. There was nothing better than coming home from an ugly and chilly day to a warming cup of warm (or hot) sake.

He also couldn't deny the wonderful feeling of sinking into a steamy outdoor bath, or rotenburo as they are called in Japan, while snowflakes fell around you. However, it was not-so-nice when you finally decide to leave and the cold nips at your once warm and toasty body.

One thing he would never miss, however, was the Sapporo Yuki Matsuri, a snow/winter festival of massive proportions. He always allowed himself to take a break and settle down at that time, booking a flight to the capital of Hokkaido.

Tsuna was always impressed with the ice and snow sculptures decorating the streets. To say that they were big would be an understatement- the sculptures are 20 feet tall and 30 feet wide!

It had become a yearly tradition for him to visit the festival for the few days it would be celebrated. Toboggan-runs, games, and ice bars, among others, were also put on for the all-out celebration. He enjoyed them all.

Although Tsuna had to book accommodation in Sapporo months in advance because of how popular the festival is, he didn't mind.

...Or, rather, he didn't, until Reborn and the gang asked if they could come with him a month before the festival.

He knew that the Arcobaleno all celebrated Christmas. Tsuna didn't really see the point in it, so he didn't really celebrate it. The festival began on the 31st of January and ended on the 11th of February.

You can imagine Tsuna's surprise when Skull knocked on his dorm's door on boxing day with the rest of the Arcobaleno behind him. It took a lot of planning and pulling strings behind the scenes for the appropriate arrangements to be made.

Or, in other words, the Varia ended up threatening them.

Tsuna's POV:

My nose was runny. It was probably the absolute worst thing to happen on a plane with loads of people, but my nose was runny and I didn't like it at all.

I never liked the cold. I was more of a summer person myself, and winter always threw me off. My toes and fingers would go numb after being in the cold for so long, and it seemed that I would always be cold.

I could put on fifty layers and I would still be cold because, for some reason, Japan can never do anything normally. It's all or nothing, and at times like these, I wished it wasn't. This is stupid. Why am I here?

The journey wasn't that long to be fair, but it was just that my mood was a bit down.

Reborn and the others insisted on coming with me. Colonnello and Lal wanted to try and climb Mt. Fuji. Skull also wanted to do that, but it was more because he wanted to bike down Mt. Fuji. Reborn wanted to experience more of Japan and its cultures and festivals.

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