Target 16 - True Motives

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Despite the warming weather, the man walked across the campus with an over-sized sweater hanging off of his quite petite frame. The shirt was a pale beige colour with a pastel-themed brown fabric of the same type used as the cuffs of the sleeves, collar and bottom edge.

Because of its larger size, it revealed some of the man's shoulders and some of his protruding collarbone. He wore simple jeggings on his thin, yet lean, legs and beige ankle boots with matching laces on his feet.

Once again, he was sketching furiously while sitting on his favourite spot, the fountain. "You're here again?" Reborn mused, plopping himself down next to the brunette. He only received a hum in response.

The raven sighed. When do you ever find a good time to ask someone to create a contract with you? Is there a good time to ask? How would one incorporate that into a conversation? He sighed again.

This would be Tsuna's first time creating a contract, meaning a lot of things could go wrong. He has to inflict an injury on his palm, which would sting immensely because of all of the germs located on the hands.

Your hands are always touching different surfaces. It is very likely that the germs transfer from the surface to the skin of the hand.

It would feel like an intensified paper cut but on his palm. Masuta's usually get desensitised to the pain by the third time they perform the ritual.

However, this is Tsuna's first time doing the ritual. His palm would bleed and sting- the pain would be almost unbearable. Reborn hoped that the brunette's pain tolerance was high. This was, yet again, another reason that the raven was reluctant to ask the boy.

He didn't want to put the petite boy through unnecessary pain. Honestly, the man could hear Fon yelling in his head that yes, this was very necessary.

If he wanted to protect Tsuna from his family most effectively, he needed to be at full power at all times. It's not like he wouldn't gain from this contract;- he would be able to protect Tsuna, and in turn get to keep living with him.

He would be able to court Tsuna to his heart's content, and he would be able to help the brunette who was now at the centre of his usually closed-off heart.

Although he was still wondering about how he should ask the brunette to create a contract with him, Tsuna had already finished his sketch and was now just waiting politely for the raven to finish his train of thought.

I wonder if he would create a contract with me... Tsuna sighed, shaking his head and looking back at the raven. Maybe..?

Huffing, the brunette promptly stood up and decided to not dwell on the subject out in the cold morning air. "Let's warm up," the boy suggested, reaching out his hand for the raven to grab. Which he did, and using the outstretched hand hauled himself up to his feet.

Walking hand in hand, they disappeared from the campus entirely.

The rest of the day, Reborn thought about asking the brunette. The said brunette was also thinking about contracting the raven, but each time he would bring himself down by thinking about the actual probability of someone as powerful as him contracting to someone as pathetic as himself.

Of course, it was quite the opposite of his thoughts as the raven was thinking about the brunette rejecting his request instead of the other way around.

"If I asked you to create a pact with me, would you?" Reborn asked. He was sitting in a unique position at the current time; his back was resting against the armrest of the armchair, with his legs swung over the other armrest.

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