Target 9 - The Immortal Skull

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It wasn't long after the ordeal with Lal Mirch, that the brunette was left alone with Reborn and Fon. Their blonde comrade had been dragged away by the bluette for training. Or, that's what they say anyway; the subtle smirk Reborn had plastered onto his face said otherwise.

Tsuna sighed, looking outside one of the windows and looking back on the events which had occurred this strange, strange day. He saw a senior battle, had a summon stake their claim on him in the middle of a battle he was forced to do, and then Reborn had whisked him off to Nerilia through a god-knows-what-or-how-it-works portal.

Then, he proceeded to meet Lal Mirch which, according to the raven himself, only left three more people for the brunette to meet.

Yes, Tsuna has a right to sigh at this particular place in time. "My, it's this time already? I reckon Skull will be back soon," Fon commented. Reborn grunted, muttering 'lackey' under his breath at the sound of the person's name.

"Who is that?" Tsuna asked curiously, honey brown eyes swimming with curiosity and excitement. No sooner had he said that, the front door was slammed open startling the brunette.

Reborn glowered slightly. "Speak of the devil and he shall come," he murmured under his breath. Looking over at the new arrival, the brunette knew what the raven had meant. The person who had entered was covered in piercings and purple.

Their hair was dark purple, with purple eye liner or bags under their eyes- it wasn't clear which it was -along with purple lips and a purple teardrop tattoo on their left cheek near their eye. Their skin was pale, contrasting the darker purples.

They had a lip piercing on the left side, which linked up to a lobe piercing on their left ear via a chain. Additionally, they had a small anti-tragus piercing which matched the silver jewellery theme the person had going on.

A silver labret piercing sat comfortably just under their lower lip, surprisingly not staining it with the purple lipstick. And lastly, a single eyebrow piercing lingered at the tail of their left brow. Sporting three white patches in total- one on each cheek, and one on his forehead above his pierced brow -he waltzed into the room.

He wore a black tight-fitting body suit which had strips of purple at the sides of his torso and legs. Furthermore, he had magenta coloured armour plates scattered across his frame; shoulder, elbow, knee and shin pads were seen.

He seemed to wear a set of black gloves if the raised textures and components of his forearms, hands and fingers on the suit were any indication.

The man blinked, looking at the brunette as the brunette stared right back. Then, the man began to laugh. "The great Skull-sama has been expecting your arrival, friend of Reborn!" He informed Tsuna, near yelling the sentence.

The brunette cocked his head to the side, honey brown eyes inspecting the man. "My name is Tsuna. Are you Skull?" He asked timidly. The purple-haired grinned and nodded in response, opening his mouth to say something.

"Tsuna, this is Skull- the lackey. Lackey, this is Tsuna," Reborn butted in, placing his forearm on Tsuna's head casually with his relaxed fingers dropped down just missing the brunette's ear by a couple of centimetres.

Skull gulped nervously. "Renato, don't be mean," the younger scolded, as if he were a parent scolding their child for doing something wrong. Reborn smirked, before it fell once again resulting in him just deciding to nod instead.

Skull blinked. Reborn never listened to anyone about stuff like this, nor did he just simply agree without a fight; he certainly never let anyone tell him what to do or scold him. It wasn't normal.

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