Target 6 - First Impressions

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Tsuna loved it; the harsh wind ruffling his hair, stinging his cheeks and bare arms; the adrenaline coursing through his veins; being so close to the sky and seeing the buildings in the far distance from a much higher angle.

He loved all of it.

Tsuna began to laugh, radiating happiness and just pure excitement which filled the air instantly. The brunette threw his head back, his legs straightening with the only thing keeping him on the raven being his arms which were now held in place by interlocked fingers.

Oh, the sudden overwhelming urge Reborn had to change into his human form, grow wings and fly through the air with Tsuna's arms around his neck while his own laced around the brunette's waist.

He mentally shook away his thoughts, ignoring his rapid heartbeat as the brunette pressed his face into the back of his neck.


Before they touched down to the ground, Reborn had changed into his human form. The aura of darkness had slowed down their descent by half, making it seem more like he was floating down while he had grabbed Tsuna's waist last second so that he wouldn't fall.

Their toes touched the ground first before they had both gracefully places the rest of their feet onto it afterwards with Reborn's arms still circled the smaller brunette's waist; they had stayed like this for a while longer before the raven reluctantly let go.

For some reason, the young male was slightly disappointed, but put that to the back of his mind, looking at the house they stood in front of. "Is this your house?" Tsuna asked, grinning brightly.

The sun better watch out, because it might get out-done by that god damn smile, Reborn thought, eyeing the brunette. "It is," he confirmed, finally snapping out of his mind and back into the world. What's with me lately? He cursed at himself, looking back over at the house.

He had been getting lost in thought, missing phone calls and messages, and even unintentionally ignoring his roommates when he found his mind trailing back to the innocent little brunette he had met only a few days prior.

"It's nice- homey, I mean. I never really got that feeling from all of the mansions my family owns 'cause of the company, and they were never really there... stuff like that," Tsuna admitted, smiling softly before it changed to more of a sad smile.

Reborn smiled at the boy. "Let's go in, yeah?" He asked softly. Tsuna was shocked, but then grinned and poked the older male's cheek excitedly.

"You smiled!"

"Yes, I'm aware."

"This is great! Please smile more, Renato," the brunette commented. Only if you want me to, Reborn found himself thinking before he shook the thought away once again. "I'll try," he said before smirking, letting Tsuna head off before him.

Seeing this as an invitation, he smiled and skipped off to the house before standing in front of the simple door. "Why aren't you going in?" He heard the raven ask behind him, his warm breath hitting Tsuna's ear in the briefest, ghostly touch.

The brunette shuddered at the sensation. "I don't want to intrude," Tsuna whispered shyly, touching the tips of his pointer fingers together and then parting them repeatedly.

Reborn sighed. He opened the door in one fluid moment, revealing a simple front room. It wasn't a room per se, because it was more like a block of the house which led to the living room through a hall.

"Don't take your shoes off- it's fine," Reborn said offhandedly, walking across to the living room. The brunette followed in toe, noticing the blank walls and rooms with not a single painting nor drawing, not even any pictures of the residents anywhere.

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