Target 39 - The Meet-Up

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"What do you mean it's been deactivated?"

There was only one man in the room, an imposing figure with an immaculate suit on his body and expensive accessories dangling on his wrists.

"I'm sorry sir, but the tracking chip has been deactivated for about a month now. The orders came straight from the owner of the bank account you have been using to pay for the chip- it is to be deactivated permanently without any notice to you."

The voice from the phone sounded bored almost as if it was completely normal for customers to make these sorts of complaints on the daily. The voice was clearly unamused at Iemitsu's incessant rambling about how this was wrong and that it should be activated at once.

"Sir, we physically cannot do that. The owner of the bank account registered for the tracking chip is legally obligated to stop the activation fee whenever he deems it necessary," the voice droned on.

"As you are not the owner of the bank account, you cannot make these decisions. Ieyasu Sawada is entitled to these rights as a consumer," the voice finished.

Iemitsu cursed and hung up the call in his rage. No tracking chip, no real way to make sure his youngest son stays in line. To think his own son would turn against him like this- no, no it's fine, he reasoned. 

Ieyasu is relatively impressionable still, and he has taken orders from his father for years now, so why shouldn't he continue now? Thinking he won, he sauntered over to his son's office through the halls of the Vongola mansion.

The mansion is a big, beautiful piece of history with authentic curtains, tapestries and such from as far as 300 years ago. Normally, the man would stop and admire the uncanny resemblance his son has to the first Vongola boss, Giotto de Vongola, but there was no time for that now.

The faster the chip was activated again, the better. He couldn't have Tsunayoshi going back to what he once was; the confident, warm, sly, challenging kid who was always questioning him and opposing him. Tsunayoshi would have made the perfect boss, even more so than Ieyasu, but he just wasn't malleable enough.

He wasn't right for what Iemitsu was planning.

As per usual, the blonde didn't bother knocking when he barged into his son's office- it should have been mine it should have beenmineitshouldhavebeenmine -but he did not expect all of the Vongola boss' Nerilians to be out and settled in and around the office.

The Nerilians in the room are all the same ones who had followed the first Vongola boss.

Ieyasu sighed, looking up at his father with disdain and disgust swirling deep within his amber coloured eyes. Iemitsu's eyes widened at the sight. A bone-deep cold settled over him uncomfortably. Did his son finally realise what exactly he was doing?

"Ah, I assume that you've finally been informed that the tracking chip you implemented into Tsuna's phone has been deactivated permanently," the boss said nonchalantly, already reading through another document that has been laying around on his desk for a good part of the week.

Something unsettling stewed within the older Sawada. Something foreboding.

"You deactivated it?" he asked.

"Of course I did," another paper signed off on, replaced by another document, "the bills come straight to me from the bank. I've known about every purchase you have made since the Vongola has been under me."

"What?" the blonde quipped sharply. He merely glanced at the brown file that was thrown onto the desk by the spiky-haired creep, Daemon. Unnecessary. What an inconvenience they've run into.

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