Target 7 - Arena

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The air around the classroom was happy and comforting, with many people talking and chatting. Tsuna sat quietly, reading a book on Nerilian history he had snagged from Reborn's house yesterday. Judging from the information, it was quite old.

Although melbourn has eight fixed affinities, with a secret ninth which is completely foreign to human kind; each affinity, however, has a purpose. Humans have found the affinities of the seven main types of melbourn, but they have not yet discovered their elements.

Storm melbourn has the fire element, which works exceptionally well with the disintegration factor which it already holds.

Rain melbourn has the water element, as the name would already suggest. The tranquillity also works well with the water element but also opposes it in some ways.

Sun melbourn has the nature element which stems from the active factor inside the melbourn.

Lightning melbourn holds the lightning element, working with the hardening factor as quite a contrast between the almost ethereal, natural weather.

Cloud melbourn has the wind element, which relates to the propagation factor more than one would think.

Mist melbourn has the ice element that may seem like it's entirely different to the mist, but it does work hand in hand with the creation factor and its illusions.

Earth melbourn is pretty self-explanatory, as it has the earth element, working well with the gravity factor.

Sky melbourn holds the light element, working with its harmony factor beautifully.

The unknown ninth type of melbourn which is exclusive to summons, Shadow melbourn, holds the darkness element which works with its shadow factor.

Even though most people and summons have one type of melbourn, some are what's known as multi-melbourn users. They have either two or more types of melbourn, which is particularly handy if you are a summon.

This is because most Nerilians can only use the element and factor of their melbourn, so if they have more than one type of melbourn, they can use at least two components and bend two factors to their will. A mix and match of sorts.

Sky and Shadow melbourn types are both rare, because of the compatibility Sky melbourn has with every other kind and the adaptability of the Shadow melbourn.


The arcobaleno are the eight strongest summons in Nerilia [at the current moment]. These summons have three forms; a human, an animal and a demon form which is said to combine their human and animal forms- a mostly human body with some characteristics from their second form.

Each arcobaleno has their melbourn type, except for two of them which share the same melbourn affinity. However, for some unexplainable reason, their melbourn type has an extra element of one of the other melbourn types.

Forty years ago, there was a ninth member of the arcobaleno who was said to be their Masuta, known only by the name of Luce. She had left twenty-three years later, after a battle with the Mares which ended with the Arcobaleno being the reigning victors.

Not much is known about Luce to this day.

The first arcobaleno to have been known was Bermuda Von Veckenschtein, who had the Shadow melbourn and a mysterious power to be able to create portals out of thin air- energy which was his trademark trait.

Bermuda now works with many others in a law and order group named the Vindice, who keep a tight leash on summons and Masutas, with dire consequences if any of the rules or laws are broken.

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